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Ten Things of Thankful: Christmas Edition

I'm sitting on my couch in the quiet early morning hours, trying to transform the peaceful contentment I am feeling into words. Minutes tick by, and I am still basking in the calm, wishing that words were not required to convey the serene sense of security. Drexel awakens, and greets me happily, but not frantically, his tail's soft thump thump thump providing background accompaniment to the morning's natural song.  

If I could bottle this up, I would.  

A text from someone  reminds me that life is not always so still, and forces my attention outward.  How can I help?  And yet, the peaceful contentment continues.  In good times or bad, family--whether by birth or adoption, a nuclear unit or a larger community--steps in to support one another.  

This has been a week full of family.  I'm thankful for the 11 other people who joined me around the table on Christmas day:  oldest son and his wife; oldest daughter; middle daughter, her boyfriend, and their three children; youngest son, youngest daughter, and, of course, John.  

Photo:  Oldest granddaughter, playing with a Nativity set

Photo:  My granddaughters, in coordinating dresses, stand in front of the Christmas tree

Photo: Baby grandson smiles for the camera, while granddaughters look up solemnly
Even though caroling was out of the question due to colds, the kids still managed to make music using sparkling cider bottles:

Photo: John and I with all of our kids and grandkids
John and I are hoping that we didn't pass on the cold that wiped us out, and we're thankful for the kids who pitched in while we rested up.

Photo:  Oldest daughter captured John, Drexel, and me snoozing and couldn't resist snapchatting. 

I sincerely hope that your week has been a peaceful one, no matter what has been going on around you. 

Merry Christmas!

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts

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  1. excellent photo... (all of them, of course, but the last one especially)...
    "Drexel awakens, and greets me happily, but not frantically, his tail's soft thump thump thump providing background accompaniment to the morning's natural song."
    I'd say that perfectly expresses what I your Post brings to mind.

    1. Thank you. My daughter is happy that her photo is the favorite! :-)

  2. Replies
    1. Frist you are. (I'm going to see Star Wars today--I've got to practice Yoda-speak.)

  3. Looks like a colorful week of family and relaxing!! Glad you had s nice Christmas!

    1. Thanks. We did have a good time. Merry Christmas!

  4. Beautiful family! Full of peace and love! I've experienced those quiet moments too, and wondered what I did to deserve them! Happy New Year, Kristi!

  5. Your beautiful photos make me happy! :-)

  6. I'm so happy that so many of the kids could make it back! A house full of joy. And such talent! Love the bottle music. :)

    That photo of the granddaughters is hilarious. Reminds me a bit of the one you and your sister reenacted.

    Hope you all feel better soon. Kudos to your daughter for the great photo.

    1. All of them made it! :-)
      You're right--that does look like that photo! I should have recognized it at the time, and posed them even more!

  7. Merry Christmas Kristi! your grand children are beautiful! I am very much behind, too! I am sorry that cold bug got you -- do love the photo of Drexel! And the Christmas photo of your family. Hope by now everyone is feeling lots better and that no one took the bug home with them!

  8. How nice that you could get a complete family photo. I love those flute players! Were they the "carolers" this year? The granddaughters in their festive dresses look so cute, and the little one with his great grin too. I think Drexel wanted to make sure you two got your much needed rest. With his head on John's shoe, he was keeping everything just like it needed to be. I hope you are feeling much better each day.

  9. Awesome family photos! So sorry you are fighting a bug though.

  10. Aw, love the family photos.
    Love the sparkling stuff and the silence.
    Also, there's a beautiful music of lots of chatter from loved ones.
    Hope you're feeling a bit better.

  11. It looks like a wonderful time was had by nice.


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