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Ten Things of Thankful: Sisters Edition

I've been offline a lot this past week, for a very good reason--my sister traveled all the way across the country to come visit me!  We did touristy things all week and had a really nice time just spending time together.  
1.  I'm thankful for an ever-evolving relationship.  We are about 5 years apart in age, so when we were growing up, no one ever confused us as twins.  This week, on multiple occasions we were asked if we were twins.  We had fun realizing that maybe we do resemble each other.  (I probably had more fun with it, since I am the older sister!)

On Sunday, we came out of our rooms and realized that we had dressed similarly.  We decided to recreate the meme we had seen recently.  Here's a side-by-side comparison:

Photo:  One the left, a meme of two girls, identically dressed, one scowling and one smiling, each with a thought bubble that says, "I'm dressed just like my sister."  On the right, my sister and I recreating that meme.

2.  I'm thankful that my sister was able to meet my grandchildren for the first time.  My sister got out of the car before I did, and my granddaughters saw her and shouted, "Grandma!"  They were so confused when I got out of the car.  They were quite fascinated with the idea that Grandma has a sister.  According to my daughter, later that day they were still talking about "Grandma 'Linda."  

Photo:  My granddaughters hug each other and smile.
Photo:  My sister holds my grandson
3.  I'm thankful for ugly stepsisters--or at least Disneybounding as Cinderella's stepsisters.  

Photo:  My sister and I, with big bows in our hair, standing by a statue of Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse at California Adventures

4.  I'm thankful for all the walking we did--it helped to balance out the eating!  My Fitbit reported we walked 13.75 miles on our first Disneyland day, and over 8 miles on our second.  Our feet were a bit extremely sore that second day, but we kept smiling.

Photo:  My sister and I in front of the giant Christmas tree at Disneyland

5.  I'm thankful for the fun we had playing games together.  I introduced her to Agricola, and she introduced me to Hanabi. John and (sometimes) youngest daughter played with us, and we all had fun.  

6.  I'm thankful that my sister loves Drexel.  She loved watching his response to the question, "Is the puppy hungry?" I loved watching her get such a kick out of his happy dog antics.  

7.  I'm thankful that my sister and I have similar tastes in food.  We were able to split plates throughout our tourist travels.  One Monte Cristo sandwich definitely serves 2!

8.  I'm thankful for my sister's help--whether it was putting a bow in my hair, helping me decorate the house, or turning pages for me when I played the piano, she made my life easier.  

9.  I'm thankful for the internet.  I was able to find a shoe repair store that could replace worn-out Velcro on my shoes.  I generally don't buy shoes with Velcro straps, but years ago this particular pair caught my attention at a thrift store (and they were marked with the half-off color of the day!) They looked like they were my size, so I picked them up, noticed they were Italian leather, tried them on and found they were very comfortable.  I decided to overlook the Velcro aspect, and boy, am I glad I did!  When I got home with them, I googled the brand--I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to fashion.  Over the years, the Velcro wore out, but I wanted to save the shoes.  My newly-found cobbler, who greets everyone with a cheery, "Hello, friend!"  seemed very happy to work on my shoes. He told me he knew the Thierry Rabotin brand, and he couldn't believe I had found the shoes at the thrift store.  He promised to make them good-as-new, and I promised my sister I would post a photo after I picked them up from the shop today.  

Photo:  My newly re-Velcroed shoes
10.  As always, I'm thankful for John.  He encouraged me to go have fun with my sister, and he held down the fort while I did.  He drove down with me when it was time to take my sister to the airport, because all that fun had about worn me out, and I wasn't sure I could stay awake on the drive home. 

How was  your week?  Did you spend time with a sibling? 

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Ten Things of Thankful

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  1. I love that you 2 really look alike. I am blessed to know you;) love the person you are. Those shoes look pretty cool to me!

    1. Glad to know you, too! The shoes are very comfortable, so Velcro is looking cool to me now, also. :-)

  2. Who knew, I had twins! I'm glad you two had such a fun week. I can just imagine all the laughter. :-)

  3. Twins! You two look so much alike! Love the new meme! Great need a vid of "is the puppy hungry?!"

    1. Thanks. Good idea on the Drexel video--I'll try to remember to do that this week!

  4. Oh, Kristi, what fun. My sister is 6 years younger than I and now, in our "older" years, we are often asked if we are twins. I wonder if my sister would like to recreate that meme? Nothing like comfortable shoes!

    1. You should do the meme, too! It was a lot of fun, but really hard to scowl between bursts of laughter! I agree with you about comfortable shoes.

  5. You had a FUN week!

    Yes, I am very close to one of my sisters: the other lives much further away, so we rarely see each other.

    1. I did have so much fun! My sister and I rarely see each other, as we live on opposite sides of the country, but we enjoy the time we can spend together.

  6. cool! 13 miles the first day??@! yow! (I went to Disneyland once, but I was 13 yo… to say that I barely remember wouldn't do justice).
    very cool to find a cobbler. they are very rare it seems in this age of disposable clothing. I had one for years and I always enjoyed going to his shop, the smells of a cobbler's shop….very good, very memorable.

    1. I rarely get that many miles into my Disneyland trips--it really depends on who is there with me and what they want to do. (If you and Phyllis ever decide to visit Disneyland again, I'd be happy to play tour guide.)
      I'm very happy to have found the cobbler. I wish I had found him in time to wear those shoes to Disneyland, though!

  7. You and your sister don't look anything like each other. ;-)

    I'm amazed that you found someone who repairs shoes. I don't have to wear heels often these days, but I've wondered if anyone even replaces the lifts on them anymore.

    1. I'm glad to have found him, too, and will definitely take other shoes to him as needed.

  8. The meme recreation made us laugh. It was hard to maintain the scowl for the photo!

    John really is a star. :-)

  9. The two of you certainly do look a lot alike! Love the silly photo. I was lucky and got to talk to my sister on the phone this week. She is in Michigan so we don't see each other often but we sure are close!

    1. Distance isn't always an indicator of closeness. Glad you got to talk to your sister!

  10. Sounds like lots of fun, Christmas at Disney.
    We spent some time at Disney in Florida around Christmas, several years back.
    I love your story about your grandchildren meeting your sister. My grandma had a sister and, when I was little, they sounded similar and I was confused. Now I just love it, because I am older and can discern the difference, and I spent an afternoon with my great aunt last year, now that her sister and my grandma are gone, it was like having a piece of my grandma back for a few hours. They have so many of the same manerisms.
    I spent a lot of time with my siblings the last few weeks. Unfortunately, it wasn't for fun and tourism, but I enjoyed hearing your adventures. Better than the hospital we spent our time in last week.
    Thanks, as always, for the photo descriptions.


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