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Ten Things of Thankful: Little Straws Edition

"It was the straw that broke the camel's back."  Isn't it interesting that the break occurred due to a straw, and not a heavy rock?  There might have been rocks in the pack, but it was a tiny piece of straw that did the camel in.  Isn't it interesting, too, that it wasn't a nutritious piece of hay, but a mere straw?  This week I've felt a bit like that camel.  I've been thinking, though, that just as a small, unimportant piece of straw can make me want to scream Enough already!, other little straws can completely turn my attitude around.

(Mom, or anyone else who is wondering:  I'm OK.  Maybe a tiny bit stressed, but it's just the normal rock or two, with a bunch of straws thrown into the mixture.  I'll be fine--promise.)
This week, I'm thankful for:

1.  SNOW!  Last Sunday, snow fell here.  It didn't stick, and it never turned into the large, slowly falling flakes that I love to watch, but it was definitely snow.  I was as giddy as any kid.

2.  Sourdough starter.  Early in December, a man from church offered to bring me some sourdough starter.  I told him I was interested, but not before Christmas.  I few weeks ago, he showed up at my door with sourdough starter.  I have managed to keep it alive, and have had fun experimenting with different sourdough recipes. Thanks, Brother Preter!

3.  A serendipitous meeting with a friend.  We hadn't seen each other in months (years?), and it was good to catch up.  Those few minutes measurably helped my mood.  Thanks, Ann!

4.  Relief Society.  We had a meeting this month, and I always appreciate the chance to visit with the sisters in the church.  Three women spoke to us about the purposes of Relief Society (Increase faith and personal righteousness, Strengthen home and families, and Seek out and help those in need).  They each did a great job, and I think we all came away inspired to do a little better. Thanks Kathy, Amanda, and Monica!

5.  The X-Files.  I'm not a huge TV watcher, but I must admit that I am excited that the X-Files are back, even if only for 6 new episodes.  My favorite episodes are the humorous ones, like the one this past week.  

6.  Recommendations of friends.  At the advice of a friend (Thanks, Don!), we have used a particular company (Metro Floors) whenever we've needed to replace flooring.  They have always done a good job and at a reasonable price.  

7.  A shopping bargain.  When a clearance rack, combined with a coupon, nets a nice skirt for $3 and change, I get a little giddy.  

8.  Saturday morning runs with John.  We don't set an alarm; we go once we wake up.  We run 5 or 6 miles, which gives us time to talk and enjoy the views.  This morning there was a hot air balloon off in the distance.  

9.  John's computer skills. He put together a spreadsheet that keeps track of my miles run.  (Indoor miles, outdoor miles, distance, time, pace, bike miles, total miles. . . ) All I have to do is say, "You know what I could use on that spreadsheet?" and it's done!

10.  John.  In general, in specific, in all ways and always.  He makes life better, no matter how many rocks and straws I'm carrying at the time.  

Photo:  John, walking in the front door carrying a bouquet of roses for me

How about you?  Are you burdened with straws or rocks this week? Join us in the Ten Things of Thankful (which is combining with Finish the Sentence Friday this week.) You'll feel better!

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The "Kristi approved intro" refers to the other Kristi, of Finding Ninee.  However, I approve of the intro, too.  :-)
Ten Things of Thankful

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  1. Don't let too many straws break your back (or spirit). Hope you are doing okay.
    I decided to take a break from everything to recharge my batteries and spirits, before it would break my back... I've been reading and sleeping, sleeping and reading and I'm still exhausted.
    Please, don't take on too much and give yourself a break before you break for sure.
    As always; I'm a big fan of John. He's just like my Henk, supporting and loving and keeping me sane.

    1. You are so sweet. I'll be OK, and we do have a vacation on the horizon--which is much anticipated and will be very relaxing--so I won't actually break. :-) I hope that you can regain your energy soon, but in the meantime, reading and sleeping sounds like a great plan!

  2. I loved the intro. And isn't it true, we carry heavy burdens and then one small little feather of an issue causes the breakdown, freak-out. Glad you found ways to lighten your load (running and I love John for the roses). Have a good week, Kristi and thanks for sharing the video. But you can keep the snow.

    1. The snow was a one-day (more like one-hour!) occurrence, and the week got sunnier and warmer as it progressed. I think most of the nation would be jealous of our weather forecast--highs in the lower 70's this coming week. :-)

  3. Awww, roses from a man who knows his way around a spread sheet.
    You are a lucky woman and you know it.

  4. LOL to "however, I approve of the intro too!" :)
    I hope that your load's been lessened over the weekend. It really is so true isn't it - we carry so much and then one tiny straw is the one that becomes Too Much. Big huge yays for your husband - spreadsheet help and roses? That's wonderful.

    1. Yes, the load is lighter now, and I'm rejuvenated after a day at church. I'll just call this past week a bit of emotional weight training. :-)

  5. Keep the straws at bay my friend...gotta love a guy bearing spread sheets and roses... take care of yourself...***funny aside I accidentally typed "noses" instead of "roses" and it gave it a whole new meaning!

    1. Did you know that typos are some of my favorite expressions of humor? "A nose by any other name would smell as sweet!" :-)

  6. It's always the small things that upset my world, but I'm often weakened by big things and seem to bear them well until that ONE tiny thing crosses my path. Keep focusing on the thankful things in your life: it helps tremendously.

    1. It sure does! I'll be fine. Thanks for the advice. :-)

  7. Oh, I am sorry about your rocks and straws. How did you find the time to write me and offer help?!?!

    1. Hmmm. Distraction? Procrastination? Mental break? All of the above? Tn any case, the load feels lighter now, and I really do enjoy helping, so don't hesitate to ask! :-)

  8. yeah, rocks and straws…. well, why not the straw? Rather I should say, we should not be surprised at how straws can put on weight… we expect rocks to be heavy and so prepare ourselfs… but with straw, it's easy to underestimate the demands that they might make… good post.

    1. Good point. The straws were of the "Oh, one more thing. . . " (surprise!) variety, and the rocks were of the "Here we go again" (familiar and somewhat expected) variety. Why shouldn't there be a limit to the number of straws one can carry?

  9. I know it is very very late, but I wanted to get my TToT posted before the deadline and also read your post. Thanks for the warning in the phone call. The roses and spreadsheets guy really does have a ring to it. There probably aren't too many business handles out there like that. :-) A new business opportunity for someone out there! Hope that made you laugh. You will soon be having the time of your life! Hugs.

  10. yay to bargains ----- yay to spreadsheets (love them ) sorry to hear about the straws - it is quite funny to think about - a measly straw did the camel in - I always say if the shoe going to drop please let be a very light and soft slipper - I may have to rethink that saying.... here's to hubbies that care and are good and kinds souls :)

    1. Oh, I don't know--light and soft still sounds better than a big ole boot! :-)

  11. I'm late, too and hoping that this week is 3 days into being much lighter! Last week was full of straws for a lot of people. I am grateful I wasn't one of them.

    I understand about getting giddy when it snows, I am that way lately if it rains. Now if it would just do that more often...

    1. I don't think rain is in the forecast anytime soon. It sure feels like spring or early summer!

  12. Boudin Bakery in San Francisco uses starter that started in 1849. That's not 400 years old, but we are a young country. . . :-)


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