I had a remarkably easy life growing up. Oh, sure, I had moments that I thought were incredibly hard--like moving to a new house during high school--but, in retrospect, were nothing. Nineteen years ago, I had my first real challenge in life, one that I can still look back on and think, "Yep, that was hard!" I was pregnant with my youngest son, and started having problems at 10 weeks. One doctor even suggested abortion, but we didn't want that. I spent the next 20 weeks on bed rest, mentally willing this baby to just hold on. Due to a lot of prayer, me physically doing nothing, family and friends doing everything, and a very capable medical staff, youngest son managed to arrive alive. He didn't even weigh 3 pounds, but he fought hard and was out of the hospital after 6 weeks. A week later, he again found himself in a hospital. One week after that, he was home again. I found myself constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop...