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Thursday Thoughts: A Blog Evolves

I tend to be a thinker.   Have a problem that needs solving?  I can mull, study, research, read, and whatever-other-thesaurus-word-you-can-find.  However, I'm not always quick about it.  In fact, sometimes I can be agonizingly slow to reach a decision. 

The longer I have this little blog, the more mental energy I realize I give it.  Recently, in fact, I had a restless-night's sleep, filled with dreams about how I could improve the blog.  Enough! 

While I do enjoy blogging, I also enjoy living, and I needed to come up with a way to spend more time living and less time blogging.  So, I asked myself a few questions, like: "Why do I blog?" ,"What do I want to accomplish with this blog?", and other similar questions.

I blog because I feel like I'm supposed to.  Is this what real writers feel?  I don't know.  I just know that I like having this little corner of blogdom to share photos, thoughts, and ideas.

What do I want to accomplish?   I want to remember the many things for which I am thankful.  I would love it if something I say is of value to a reader.  I want to keep a record of some of the goings-on of my days.  I want to use the blog to inspire myself to be creative.

Somewhere (and I don't remember where), I read some ideas for blog improvement.  One was to have a structure, so that readers know what to expect each day.  I think that having a structure would also help this writer know what to expect!  Another tip I read was to write blog posts in advance, and just schedule them to post on a particular day. 

So, I am going to try to adopt the following schedule:

Monday Morning in the Kitchen
Tuesday Tackling Projects
(Nearly) Wordless Wednesday
Thursday Thoughts
Friday Family History
Saturday--[miscellaneous posts as desired, probably often a day off]
Sunday Musings of the Spirit

What do you think?  For those of you who have blogs, what tips do you have to keep blogging from taking over your life? 

Thankful thought:  Thanks for the internet, and also for real life!


  1. It looks like your goal is to blog every day. Personally I would feel so much pressure on myself if I had to follow that plan. My own goal is a three times a week plan. A lot less stress for me. Of course we are the only ones putting these expectations on ourselves. I do try to write a few posts ahead and schedule them especially if i know it's going to be a very busy week.

  2. When I started blogging, I posted nearly every day. But lately, I have just been too busy. I don't have any suggestions for you. Sorry. I do want to tell you that I appreciate your comments on my posts!

  3. *I missed this one too*

    I know exactly what you mean. I often thought about making a more "predictable" blog, post every day once and with a topic for every day....
    Doesn't work for me. One day I have a lot to tell and there are days I have nothing to tell.
    I started this blog as a travel-report-site when we went to the USA for the first time so my mother-in-law could follow us. I'm so glad I did this, because those vacations are so action-packed that I lost track of everything we did, but now can read back myself too!
    Since I hope we will travel for a long time to come, this blog will stay in use, even if it was just for that.
    I feel like a writer, have the feeling I have to share my traveling, strugles in life, my creativity with others. To feel I'm not alone maybe?? To make a connection with other creative, cat-loving people?? I often feel alone, so I think in the end this is the reason I blog.....

  4. *blush*
    Sorry, only talking about why I blog....

    If you feel like writing, why no?? To bring some line in your blogging can work for you. But what if you feel like telling about something that happened on monday, do you have to wait 'till saturday to tell???
    For some people it works, for others it doesn't. Try and find out.....

  5. I thought about doing a schedule like that but it doesn't work for me as like Bianca said....what if you want to tell something and it is the wrong day. I usually try and show something on my design wall on Monday, Tuesday is a linky party...stop by! The rest of the week just depends on what I get done or want to blog about. Stopping by from Sew Many Ways!


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