Twice a year, I have the chance to watch general conference. Each time I do, I come away with a deeper appreciation for our Heavenly Father, and a renewed commitment to live purposefully.
Some of the video clips I have shared on this blog have come from previous general conference addresses. Each conference, certain talks just seem to resonate with me, and so I like to share them.
Because of technology, it is easy to listen to general conference. Not only is it shown at church buildings around the world, it is carried over satellite TV, and streams on the internet. Conference is translated into many languages, too.
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Thanks for general conference!

Some of the video clips I have shared on this blog have come from previous general conference addresses. Each conference, certain talks just seem to resonate with me, and so I like to share them.
Because of technology, it is easy to listen to general conference. Not only is it shown at church buildings around the world, it is carried over satellite TV, and streams on the internet. Conference is translated into many languages, too.
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Hi Kristi, It was interesting that you said certain talks resonate with you because I've always thought that about certain verses from the Bible. No matter how many times I might read a verse there will come a time when I have "light bulb" moment and the verse comes alive and speaks to me personally. I love how God illuminates certain verses and certain talks and certain sermons at the perfect time for them to bring meaning to our lives. blessings, marlene