Last week, I was surprised to receive two awards: a Leibster award from Cathy at Cathy's Craft Corner, and an Inspiring Blog award from Francesca at Bjurstrom Family Happenings. When it rains it pours--and I was caught without an umbrella, because I certainly didn't anticipate the nominations. Thanks Cathy and Francesca. I hope you don't mind a combined acceptance speech.

1. Each
blogger should post 11 random facts about themselves.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you, and then
create 11 new questions for the chosen bloggers.
3. Choose 11 new bloggers (with less than 200 followers) to pass the award to and link them in your post.
4. Go back to their page and tell them about the award.
5. No tag backs.
Here are the rules for accepting the Inspiring Blog award:
1. Each blogger should post 7 random facts about themselves.
2. Pass the award along to blogs that inspire you.
Here's where I'm going tomultitask take the easy way out. I will post 11 random facts, and not 18. I hope that's OK.
Random Facts about Me:
1. I have always loved dogs. When I was little, one of my favorite poems was "The Animal Store" by Rachel Field. Being a puppy raiser for Guide Dogs for the Blind fulfills my childhood dream of being surrounded by puppies.
2. I'm a source of amusement for my children. My oldest daughter never laughed so hard as she did the day she caught me singing along to the classic Beach Boys song, "LittleBlue Scoop Deuce Coupe."
3. I've become my mother. Apparently she also struggled with song lyrics. Don't worry, Mom. I completely understand how "Poetry in Motion" could become "Oh, a Tree in Motion." At least your lyrics made sense.
4. I like to think I'm a stickler for correct grammar. Just writing that will probably cause all my errors to leap off the screen, though.
5. The misuse of the word "literally" makes me laugh every time. I resisted the urge to add it to the last sentence of random fact #4.
6. I do NOT like to be startled. Though I'm normally fairly quiet and even-keeled, apparently I am also capable of screaming loudly.
7. I like watching films which have some substance to them--"Life is Beautiful", for example. However, substance can be found in unexpected places. I was delighted that the currently-showing zombie apocalypse film "Warm Bodies" visually referenced "Romeo and Juliet." I'm not normally a zombie apocalypse kind of girl, but that film was quirky and fun.
8. I love foods common to the Pacific Northwest: Dungeness crab, salmon, hazelnuts (filberts), raspberries, etc. Add some chocolate and I think I'm set.
9. I learned to drive using a stick shift, on hilly countryside roads. Thanks, Dad.
10. I like to laugh. Who doesn't, right? You would think I'd be able to come up with interesting random facts. Good thing I'm stopping with 11!
11. I'm learning that multi-tasking has its downside. The other day, I asked John to add something to my to-do list for me, but then I kept talking to him as he fulfilled my request. Later, I read my list: buy milk and eggs, file taxes, prune roses, platypus. Fortunately, I remembered platypus was code for "do laundry." (By the way, have you seen that cute photo of the two baby platypuses that is floating around facebook?)
Now for the questions that Cathy posed:
1. What is your description of a perfect day?
This question makes me think of the lines from the movie, Miss Congeniality:
Stan Fields: Miss Rhode Island, please describe your idea of a perfect date.
Cheryl "Rhode Island" : That's a tough one. I'd have to say April 25th. Because it's not too hot, not too cold, all you need is a light jacket. (source)
Miss Rhode Island was only off by one day. April 24th is my wedding anniversary. But really, any day spent with John is perfect.
2. What project have you done or created that you are most proud of?
My life's work: my family!
3. How long have you been blogging and what got you started?
I've been blogging for 2 years. My blog provides a platform for me to remember that I have much for which to be thankful.
4. What is your favorite style of decor?
American Craftsman
5. Who or what gives you the most inspiration?
I find that when I spend time daily in prayer and scripture study, I am more in tune to moments of inspiration throughout the rest of the day.
6. What is your favorite season of the year?
I've agonized way too long over this question. I don't know. I love spring for its flowers, pleasant temperatures, and promise of new life. I love summer for its relaxed schedule and vacations. I love fall with its back-to-school excitement, crisp air, and harvest time. I love winter for Christmas, snow, and the goodwill that permeates the season.
7. Who do you admire the most?
Jesus Christ set the ultimate example of goodness. My mom ranks way up there on my admiration scale, too.
8. What is your favorite blog to follow?
My brother, sister, mom, and dad each have a blog (or photo-sharing site), and those are my favorite blogs to read. (Yes, that's a not-so-subtle hint to encourage you to post!) None of us (with the exception of Mom and Dad) live in the same state, so blogs are another way we stay connected.
9. Where is the most interesting place you have ever visited?
Wow, this is another tough question for me. I've been fortunate to be able to travel a bit, and each place I've gone has its own charm. One of the most memorable trips, though, was when John and I traveled to Japan to pick up our oldest son at the end of his two-year church mission. (John had also served his mission in Japan, so it was a bit of a homecoming for John.) It was wonderful to have our son show us around and introduce us to people he knew.
10. Describe your home decor.
Family photos, books, piano, houseplants, clocks, art--I try to surround myself with things I love, and hope the end result is welcoming and comfortable.
11. Do you enjoy outdoor activities? Such as?
I love walking and hiking, if your definition of hiking is not "backpack the entire Pacific Trail." I also enjoy snorkeling, though that activity has been limited to vacations.
With help from my oldest daughter, here are 11 questions for my nominees:
1. Which would you rather have, 20 chickens or 1 goat?
2. Would you rather travel back in time or forward in time?
3. If you had unlimited resources, where would you like to vacation, and what would you do?
4. Would you rather sleep in or stay up late?
5. Which major would you choose if you were to attend college now?
6. If you could visit (or live in) any make-believe land from literature, which would you choose?
7. It's nearly dinnertime, and you forgot to plan. What do you have for dinner?
8. What makes you laugh?
9. What is one character trait you admire?
10. What are the biggest influences in your life?
11. Do you still live in your hometown? If not, how far away do you live?
And now, the moment you've all been waiting for . . . the nominees!
(Tiny little disclaimer here: There are many wonderful blogs out there. I tried to avoid listing blogs which had previously been nominated for a Liebster award. Also, if you are nominated but do not want to accept, I understand. No hard feelings!)
Liebster award nominees:
Annnightflyer from Riding the Waves
Bonnie from Bees, Birds, Berries, and Blooms
Chan from Chan Knits and Don't Mess with My Tutu
Frances from Notions from Nonny
Hazel from Sew Crazy
J from What Happens at Grandma's
Jenna from just the way things are
Kelsey from Keeping Up with Kelsey
Linda from Little Bits and Pieces
Marissa from High Heels and Daffodils
Rose from Southern Lady with Many Hats
And the Inspiring Blog Award goes to:
Bianca from Quilts, Cats and Automobiles
Debbie from . . . . .Our Old Homestead
(Look at that--just like the Oscars, we have a tie!)
And everyone who actually reads to the end of this post deserves some sort of endurance award!
Thanks for all the wonderful blogs I've come across over the past couple of years.

Sew Darn Crafty Party, Find a Friend Friday, Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop, Show Your Stuff, The Wildly Original Link Party, Wow Us Wednesdays, Down Home Blog Hop, Tuesday Archive Link Up, Linky Tuesday at Freemotion by the River, Grandparents Say It Saturday

are the rules for accepting the Liebster award:
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you, and then
create 11 new questions for the chosen bloggers.
3. Choose 11 new bloggers (with less than 200 followers) to pass the award to and link them in your post.
4. Go back to their page and tell them about the award.
5. No tag backs.
Here are the rules for accepting the Inspiring Blog award:
1. Each blogger should post 7 random facts about themselves.
2. Pass the award along to blogs that inspire you.
Here's where I'm going to
Random Facts about Me:
1. I have always loved dogs. When I was little, one of my favorite poems was "The Animal Store" by Rachel Field. Being a puppy raiser for Guide Dogs for the Blind fulfills my childhood dream of being surrounded by puppies.
2. I'm a source of amusement for my children. My oldest daughter never laughed so hard as she did the day she caught me singing along to the classic Beach Boys song, "Little
3. I've become my mother. Apparently she also struggled with song lyrics. Don't worry, Mom. I completely understand how "Poetry in Motion" could become "Oh, a Tree in Motion." At least your lyrics made sense.
4. I like to think I'm a stickler for correct grammar. Just writing that will probably cause all my errors to leap off the screen, though.
5. The misuse of the word "literally" makes me laugh every time. I resisted the urge to add it to the last sentence of random fact #4.
6. I do NOT like to be startled. Though I'm normally fairly quiet and even-keeled, apparently I am also capable of screaming loudly.
7. I like watching films which have some substance to them--"Life is Beautiful", for example. However, substance can be found in unexpected places. I was delighted that the currently-showing zombie apocalypse film "Warm Bodies" visually referenced "Romeo and Juliet." I'm not normally a zombie apocalypse kind of girl, but that film was quirky and fun.
8. I love foods common to the Pacific Northwest: Dungeness crab, salmon, hazelnuts (filberts), raspberries, etc. Add some chocolate and I think I'm set.
9. I learned to drive using a stick shift, on hilly countryside roads. Thanks, Dad.
10. I like to laugh. Who doesn't, right? You would think I'd be able to come up with interesting random facts. Good thing I'm stopping with 11!
11. I'm learning that multi-tasking has its downside. The other day, I asked John to add something to my to-do list for me, but then I kept talking to him as he fulfilled my request. Later, I read my list: buy milk and eggs, file taxes, prune roses, platypus. Fortunately, I remembered platypus was code for "do laundry." (By the way, have you seen that cute photo of the two baby platypuses that is floating around facebook?)
Now for the questions that Cathy posed:
1. What is your description of a perfect day?
This question makes me think of the lines from the movie, Miss Congeniality:
Stan Fields: Miss Rhode Island, please describe your idea of a perfect date.
Cheryl "Rhode Island" : That's a tough one. I'd have to say April 25th. Because it's not too hot, not too cold, all you need is a light jacket. (source)
Miss Rhode Island was only off by one day. April 24th is my wedding anniversary. But really, any day spent with John is perfect.
2. What project have you done or created that you are most proud of?
My life's work: my family!
3. How long have you been blogging and what got you started?
I've been blogging for 2 years. My blog provides a platform for me to remember that I have much for which to be thankful.
4. What is your favorite style of decor?
American Craftsman
5. Who or what gives you the most inspiration?
I find that when I spend time daily in prayer and scripture study, I am more in tune to moments of inspiration throughout the rest of the day.
6. What is your favorite season of the year?
I've agonized way too long over this question. I don't know. I love spring for its flowers, pleasant temperatures, and promise of new life. I love summer for its relaxed schedule and vacations. I love fall with its back-to-school excitement, crisp air, and harvest time. I love winter for Christmas, snow, and the goodwill that permeates the season.
7. Who do you admire the most?
Jesus Christ set the ultimate example of goodness. My mom ranks way up there on my admiration scale, too.
8. What is your favorite blog to follow?
My brother, sister, mom, and dad each have a blog (or photo-sharing site), and those are my favorite blogs to read. (Yes, that's a not-so-subtle hint to encourage you to post!) None of us (with the exception of Mom and Dad) live in the same state, so blogs are another way we stay connected.
9. Where is the most interesting place you have ever visited?
Wow, this is another tough question for me. I've been fortunate to be able to travel a bit, and each place I've gone has its own charm. One of the most memorable trips, though, was when John and I traveled to Japan to pick up our oldest son at the end of his two-year church mission. (John had also served his mission in Japan, so it was a bit of a homecoming for John.) It was wonderful to have our son show us around and introduce us to people he knew.
10. Describe your home decor.
Family photos, books, piano, houseplants, clocks, art--I try to surround myself with things I love, and hope the end result is welcoming and comfortable.
11. Do you enjoy outdoor activities? Such as?
I love walking and hiking, if your definition of hiking is not "backpack the entire Pacific Trail." I also enjoy snorkeling, though that activity has been limited to vacations.
With help from my oldest daughter, here are 11 questions for my nominees:
1. Which would you rather have, 20 chickens or 1 goat?
2. Would you rather travel back in time or forward in time?
3. If you had unlimited resources, where would you like to vacation, and what would you do?
4. Would you rather sleep in or stay up late?
5. Which major would you choose if you were to attend college now?
6. If you could visit (or live in) any make-believe land from literature, which would you choose?
7. It's nearly dinnertime, and you forgot to plan. What do you have for dinner?
8. What makes you laugh?
9. What is one character trait you admire?
10. What are the biggest influences in your life?
11. Do you still live in your hometown? If not, how far away do you live?
And now, the moment you've all been waiting for . . . the nominees!
(Tiny little disclaimer here: There are many wonderful blogs out there. I tried to avoid listing blogs which had previously been nominated for a Liebster award. Also, if you are nominated but do not want to accept, I understand. No hard feelings!)
Liebster award nominees:
Annnightflyer from Riding the Waves
Bonnie from Bees, Birds, Berries, and Blooms
Chan from Chan Knits and Don't Mess with My Tutu
Frances from Notions from Nonny
Hazel from Sew Crazy
J from What Happens at Grandma's
Jenna from just the way things are
Kelsey from Keeping Up with Kelsey
Linda from Little Bits and Pieces
Marissa from High Heels and Daffodils
Rose from Southern Lady with Many Hats
And the Inspiring Blog Award goes to:
Bianca from Quilts, Cats and Automobiles
Debbie from . . . . .Our Old Homestead
(Look at that--just like the Oscars, we have a tie!)
And everyone who actually reads to the end of this post deserves some sort of endurance award!
Wow, Kristi! I really enjoyed reading your answers! You crack me up being so "witty"! Thanks and congrats!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Kristi for the honor! I will respond but it will have to wait for a week as my father in law just had a stroke last night and life is a little busy trying to take care of him. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, my friend. Have a wonderful day!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness! Wow ...your answers were hilarious! Thanks for nominating my!! Oh congrats!
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed your post - so glad to get to know you better. So Sorry you and your mom don't know the words to songs- but glad it's totally entertaining for your family. LOL! I do remember Miss Rhode Island saying April 25th LOL That was so funny! Thanks for nominating my blog. (Good list of question you and daughter thought up. I can't wait to visit all the blogs and read everyone's answers)
ReplyDeleteOk, I'm slower than molasses running uphill in March. Thank you for the nomination. I am finally getting around to accepting and thanking you. I enjoy your blog and I appreciate that you enjoy mine. Thanks again.