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Tuesday Time to Tackle: Water Heater Woes

Sunday morning, I noticed a small wet spot in the hallway.  It confused me.  Drexel sleeps in a crate, and he is housebroken.  The ceiling was dry, so the spot wasn't due to water dripping from above.  I got a towel to dry the carpet.  No matter how much I stomped on the towel, I kept drawing up water. 

Finally, as I went into the laundry room to get another towel, I noticed that the laundry room floor was a bit wet, too--right under the water heater.  

Fortunately, we have two water heaters, so half of the house still had hot water.  Apparently the water heaters are in sync, though, because the other water heater went out a few months ago, also on a Sunday.

So, yesterday John spent the afternoon installing a new water heater.  

Thanks for John, who is a terrific handyman, and thanks for hot water.

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  1. Oh gosh, I am glad you caught the wet spot! It could have ended up being disastrous. Have a great day Kristi!

  2. You are just lucky you have a handy man on call that can take care of such situations! Much cheaper than a plumber!

  3. You are fortunate to have found the wet spot and to have a husband who can make the repairs without calling a plumber.

  4. Hooray for handy guys!!! I have one too; my next door neighboor! Hahaha... Henk is very handy. With cars. Nothing else. But luckely my neighboor - also called Henk - is very handy and always ready to help in times of need.
    A broken down waterheater is no laughing matter, I couldn't live without my daily shower! Lucky you cought it soon and it's already mend.

  5. Good thing you have a handyman! and hot water again :)

  6. You should talk to Sharon B. about this! She found a wet spot on her carpet and it turned into a major thing...pipe broken in the wall, carpet ruined, lots of fun!! I also remember many, many years ago when Terry was on a business trip that suddenly my garage was flooded!! (Thankfully our water heater is in the garage!!) I called the neighbor, Jim Golden, and he came down and helped me to shut it off and get things cleaned up. Can't remember getting the new one and getting it installed, but it's still there, so it must have happened!! ha ha!

  7. Nice save! Can you imagine had you left for a long time?


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