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Ten Things of Thankful: Week 7

It's week 7 of the Ten Things of Thankful, but week one of me being a co-host.  To say I'm excited is putting it mildly.  I'm so honored to be part of this hop, which not only gives me a chance to reflect on the positive things of the past week, but also gives me a chance to read your list.  You will participate, right?  If you don't have a blog, feel free to leave your list in a comment.
So many good things this week:

1.  I'm thankful for a surprise visit from my youngest son.  Not only did he bring smiles and laughter, he voluntarily did my dishes one morning while I was running an errand. 

2.  I'm thankful for cooler temperatures.  I've even had to turn off the swamp cooler some mornings--the heater kicking on told me the house was cold enough!

3.  I'm thankful that my grapes are producing abundantly.  The fruits are small, but are sweet and plentiful.

4.  I'm thankful for (relatively) inexpensive airfare, which allows me to book a flight to see my parents.  I'm the only one heading up; John et al will hold down the fort.  I'm going to help Mom and Dad as they move Grandma into their home.  I'm looking forward to seeing them all.

5.  I'm thankful for my Dad, who introduced me to great folk music.  Dad, I couldn't find a video of John McCutcheon singing this song, but maybe you can hum along as you read the lyrics "It's your birthday, we wish you many more.  Health and wealth and friends by the score.  Cut the cake and let's eat some more.  Happy birthday to you!"

6. I'm thankful for patient and friendly blog friends.  I love reading comments and e-mails from long-time followers, as well as new friends.  Two of the other Ten Things of Thankful co-hosts, In the Coop and Considerer, have been particularly helpful. In the Coop helped answer questions on how to set up a facebook page for my blog .  Considerer has been very welcoming, encouraging her readers to stop by my blog and say hello.  If you are popping over from her link, hello!

7.  I'm thankful that my children have good friends.  Youngest son came home last weekend not only to see the family, but also to see his friend who left on his church 2-year mission this week.  Oldest daughter had a friend (former roommate) arrive here this week, too, for a several-days visit.  My kids seem to choose very nice people as friends, and I'm thankful for that.

8.  I'm thankful for the temple.  John and I went there this week, and, as always, came away feeling great peace. 

 9.  I'm thankful for the chance to substitute in Primary, the children's organization, in church this Sunday.  The chorister is on vacation, so she asked me to fill in for her.  Leading the music and singing with the children is so much fun--and educational!  The children are learning a song in Spanish.  My Spanish is a bit rusty, but what better way to brush up, right?

10.  I'm thankful for ulrasounds, which allow me to know that I'm going to have another granddaughter later this year! 

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts


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Thanks for a great week!

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  1. Congratulation on the new grandchild on its way. I really enjoyed your list. I am thankful you co-hosted this week's hop.

  2. Huge congrats on your new granddaughter, who is coming soon!! And so happy that you are co-hosting now. Great list for sure and loved #1. Totally put a smile on my face and hope someday my girls will take on the chore of washing some dishes around here, too. Hope you are having a great weekend!! :)

  3. Lots to be thankful for and congrats on the new grandbaby!

  4. Congratulations Kristi! A new granddaughter certainly will be a blessing!

  5. Hello, Fellow Co-host! It is a blessing for your kids to have good friends. So far, my boys have chosen wonderful friends. My daughter has learned the hard way, but is now hanging out with two lovely girls. I pray it continues as they get older.
    Enjoy your visit with your parents and grandmother. I'm guessing it will be nice to visit with them without any kids in tow.
    A granddaughter!! Congratulations! Good heavens, though, it seems like you just learned about the baby. Time flies...
    Our temperatures will be coming down a bit, too. I'm very happy about it.

  6. Welcome! good to have a co-co-host!

    (I enjoyed your Comment about the guide dogs...and also enjoyed reading about them here on your blog...great photos).

    ...back to work! (will check back in later in the afternoon.

    1. don't know if Lyle Lovett is in the category of 'folk music' but I trust you enjoyed this song, that, for the life of me, I can't recall my original reason for putting it in today's Post.

      I'm sure it will come to me, as soon as I hit 'send' on this Comment. (Probably will be a reason clearly written in my Post lol)

    2. I LOVE Lyle Lovett. I play his music at preschool. Don't know what the kids think about it, but it makes their teacher happy!

  7. Congrats on the new grand-baby! Now tell me where in the world are you that it's "cooling off"? ;-)

    1. "Cooling off" is relative--we are still in the low-hundreds or upper-nineties. It's just that lately if I leave the swamp coolers running all night, the house cools down to 67 degrees and the heater comes on.

  8. Another great list, Kristi! Lucky you, to find inexpensive airfare! Congratulations on another granddaughter - I hope they live close enough that you can see them often. And let me get this straight - your son came home to visit and WASHED THE DISHES? I would have fainted dead away if my son did that!

  9. OOOH Congratulations on your new granddaughter coming soon. That's wonderful! So glad you had a nice time with your son as well (and you obviously raised him right - dishes? Awesome!). I'm so glad you're co-hosting now. It really is a wonderful blog hop! (um in case you're reading mine for the first time today - I just had my friend Rich write it for fun but usually I truly do come up with real things that I am thankful for). I promise :)

  10. Love your list! Congrats on your granddaughter! I'm with you on #6 I live reading the comments all of you leave, they are so encouraging!!

  11. It always makes me smile when I see someone else who is as thankful for their family. I am pretty certain I will always have at least one family member included each week, just because they are so integral in my life.

    Ooh grapes. There is nothing better than fresh fruit/veggies in the garden/yard. So much cheaper and always much tastier than any store bought produce!

  12. Lovely list. I absolutely adore grapes. It has been in the high 90's here in Virginia but I adore the heat. Cold by nature. lol. I hope my daughters choose good friends as the grow older.

  13. (from You do have a lot to be thankful for. I wish my adult son was home visiting. I'd even take his visit if he didn't do the dishes, but that part put a huge smile on my face. Thanks for hosting. Am glad to be a part of this week's hop!

  14. What a great list! Fingers crossed for a health granddaughter! And I love that your son came for a surprise visit! Can it get any better than this!?

  15. Hello hello Kristi #2 dun Dun DUN The two of you can battle over who is #1 Mauhahahaha!

    Thanks for stopping by earlier, and congrats on becoming a co-host! I'm Jak, and my friends call me Slowplay. It seems to be a term I've taken to as a life practice, so while I may be late to some commenting I usually always make my rounds at one point or another. By the time I finish up it's already time for a new round of Thankfulness. I'm like a hamster on a hamster wheel.

    I love seeing lists where family is mentioned, and yours is in abundance! It was very sweet for your son to do the dishes without even being prompted. And it's always great to know your children have picked good company. Sometimes they get in with the wrong crowd and it's all downhill!

    Glad your temps have cooled off some, though they still sound crazy high compared to here... good luck with that >.< lol

    Good luck with moving your grandmother in to your parents, and congrats on being a grandma again!

    Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of Ink


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