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Ten Things of Thankful: Getting Back in the Swing of Things

I loved August; I had so much fun vacationing at Yellowstone with my family, attending BYU Education Week, and running a 10 K race at Disneyland.  I told myself that as soon as the Labor Day weekend was over, I'd get back into a routine.  Then oldest daughter got a job (hurray!) and I spent the week helping her move to Utah.  This past week, however, I have finally felt like my days have a semblance of order.  This week, I'm thankful for the comfortable ebb and flow of my days.

1.  I'm thankful that my youngest daughter sets her alarm and gets up for her 6 a.m. seminary class without a hassle.   It might seem like a little thing, but it is so nice to be done being a human alarm clock!


2.  I'm thankful to be able to have breakfast with John each morning.  

3.  I'm thankful for the morning newspaper.  John tells me how the Mariners and the Twins are doing, and I read him Dilbert and Zits.  Oh, and we discuss actual news, too.


4.  I'm thankful for Drexel's enthusiasm each morning.  He attacks his breakfast with gusto, then loves to follow me around the house, making me feel like everything I do is so important.

5.  I'm thankful that youngest daughter is fairly independent in her homeschooling now.  She knows what she needs to do in each subject, and puts forth a good effort.  

No, this is not what homeschooling looks like.

6.  I'm thankful that John works from home, so we see each other throughout the day.  

7.  I'm thankful that John and youngest daughter help with the dishes after every meal. 

8.  I'm thankful that we end each day with scripture reading, prayer, and kisses goodnight.  


9.  I'm thankful for not only the daily routines, but also the weekly ones:  Sunday-church, Monday-family home evening, Wednesday-youth group, Friday-date night.

10.  I'm thankful for the inexpensive date we enjoyed Friday night.  Groupon had a deal:  $10 off any $25 purchase. had a groupon offer: $40 for a 2-ticket, yearlong membership. offers free tickets to various plays and performances.  So for $30, John and I can enjoy free tickets to shows for a year.  We figured that even if we attended one event, we'd get our money's worth.  

Well, we attended a play on Friday.  (I don't think I can say what the play was, per fillaseat's rules, but it was enjoyable.) Not only did the tickets themselves cost us nothing, we even found free parking!  We'll definitely be checking fillaseat again.

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Thanks for another week of Ten Things of Thankful.  Please consider joining our blog hop; we always love to meet new friends!  (And we have a couple of new co-hosts this week, too!)

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts


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  1. This is wonderful, Kristi! Your family is absolutely amazing!

  2. Good list. Don't you just love it when you have a night out with you sweetheart and not braking the bank?!
    Congrats on daughter's job and not being an alarmclock anymore. My mom is still waiting for that day...
    Have a wonderful sunday.

  3. I've never heard of Fillaseat - it sounds interesting.

    Your list is a great one.

  4. Great list...congrats to your daughter on the job! How exciting.

    And I LOVED the old-time picture of the kids at school...made me laugh out loud.

    And fillaseat...that sounds awesome! I might have to check that out. Thanks for the tip! :)

  5. Love your list! I was the human alarm clock for my son. I can only assume he's doing it just fine himself now that he's away at college.

    Okay, don't you just LOVE "Zits"? Maybe you have to have had a teenage boy in the house to truly appreciate it, because I see my son in nearly every one of them!

    1. My sons are out of their teens, but I still love Zits!

  6. Wow, the fillaseat deal sounds incredible! So glad that you enjoyed such a lovely evening out and at a discount no less. Also? Yellowstone is awesome. And so is your daughter waking herself up each morning. Not a small accomplishment at all.

  7. I love your ten things and can relate to many of them. You ran a 10K race at Disneyland? Now that is something I'd like to hear more about. :)

  8. Running at Disneyland is a lot of fun! I reported about it here: lists upcoming Disney runs, if you are interested in joining the throngs.

  9. The image of you and John reading to each other from the morning paper makes me smile. You two have a lovely marriage from which we can all learn plenty.
    It's good to get back in the routine after so much going and doing, even if that going and doing was loads of fun. Glad you are home and back to normal.

  10. Hi, will have to check out fillaseat and groupon. Glad you had a great time.

  11. hey I had a desk like those in your photo! all through elementary school...complete with the iron sides and the flip up desk top... lol how odd is that?

    I enjoy morning and for reason's I've never understood, I can wake up at anytime (if I really focus on it the night before).
    (so I can identify with both of you!)

  12. I've never heard of fillaseat. I'm going to be looking into that one because I love FREE (or practically free with that small purchase). And discounts. I love them too. My husband and I are retired. I wasn't sure how I'd feel about having him around all the time, but I love it. So I could truly appreciate that you love seeing yours several times a day. Am glad to read your list. Thanks for sharing.

  13. I always love reading your 10 things. I think it is great that you do date night and that you found such a great way to do it so inexpensively!

  14. I, too, find comfort in routine ~ and it sounds like you have some great ones. And I love that you read the paper together and discuss the news. Awesome!

  15. 10k at Disneyland?! Who runs a 10k while at Disneyland?! ACK! I've never been there, but I know what I WON'T be doing...! :-p

    Breakfast and meals in general with family would be nice (if I were to actually have one). It's less appealing as a child, though, so it's sweet it's not really an issue in your household. As for date nights? I'm always in favor of those!

    My gf just introduced me to the wonders of Groupon. I'd heard of them, but never used them and she has deals all the time for random places — mainly eateries — where you get double the allowance in spending for half the price. Kind of cool. Uncertain what Fillaseat is, but that seems an odd rule to not allow talking about a play :-( No fun...

    Haven't read Dilbert or Zits in ages, but a fan of both!

    Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of Ink

    1. Jak, is a site that allows subscribers to receive tickets to different events for free. I don't think that the events that donate tickets to fillaseat want their paid ticket-holders to know that they could have just joined fillaseat and received their tickets for free. (The play was good, though!)


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