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Ten Things of Thankful: Light and Heavy Edition

This week, my thankful thoughts have been all over the place.  Beautiful scenes, horrific news reports, remembrances . . . and so this will be the "Light and Heavy" edition of Ten Things of Thankful. 

I'm thankful for:

1.  A beautiful sunrise and the bright promise of a new day it brings.

2.  Safety for my nephew, who is serving a mission in the Philippines, and the safety of all the LDS missionaries there. 

3.  Relief efforts to help the Filipino people.

4.  Spell-check, which pointed out to me again just how strange English spelling can be, and gave me a chuckle.  (Why do we use "Ph" for "Philippines" and "F" for "Filipino"?)

5.  Veterans, especially those from my family throughout the years, who protect freedoms.

6.  The surprising ideas of children.   

7.  The friendship that comes through church callings.  The Mormon church is divided into geographical congregations, called wards (or branches, if they are particularly small).  Stakes are comprised of wards and branches.  Currently, I'm serving in a stake calling, which means that I have occasion to work with individuals from wards and branches all over the stake.  I appreciate the opportunity to get to know people that I otherwise might not. 

8.  The changing colors of the leaves.  Though I don't live in New England, and tourist buses do not come here for fall foliage (nor for any reason, for that matter), I still catch glimpses here and there of the changing seasons.  In my own backyard, the pomegranate sports festive yellow leaves as a backdrop to the ripe red fruit.

9.  The chance to be involved with Guide Dogs for the Blind.  Drexel turned a year old on Monday.  We'll get to have him with us for another 4 months or so, then he'll return to the Guide Dog campus for his formal training.  I enjoy watching him mature, though this photo shows him in a playful pose.  (He's not in vest; he's allowed.)

10.  A relatively free day today, that I'm going to spend sewing.  My granddaughter's birthday is in ten days, and I'm trying to finish the reading quilt that has been pieced since August.  What I love about this quilt is that it has (or will, when I'm done) a piece on the back to record titles of favorite books at various ages.  It has the potential to be a keepsake.

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Thanks for another week of this blog hop.  Please consider joining us, either by linking your own blog post, or by mentioning in the comments what you are thankful for this week.  Visit the other blogs; you'll probably find some new favorites.  And, be sure to come back next week for the 25th Ten Things of Thankful blog hop!

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Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts


  1. A wonderful post this week. Your sky photos are beautiful.

    1. The sky was absolutely gorgeous that morning; many of my local facebook friends posted photos of the sunrise that day.

  2. I love your sky photos and the pomegranate photo - terrific colors.

    Your guide dog item reminded me that our daughter is going to be reading to a dog at school - I have misplaced the paper with the info, but it's a therapy dog program and they bring the dogs to have kids read to them. Our library did it this summer and we missed it so we were happy to see the opportunity arise at school. Should be very fun!

    1. Dogs are great listeners! That's wonderful that they are using them as reading buddies in your daughter's school.

  3. What a lovely list of things to be thankful for :)
    I felt very nostalgic over your sky photos, as hubby and I used to take this sort of shot regularly when we lived right beside the sea - such glorious colours that God shows us each time :)

    1. Sunrise (or sunset) photos over water must have been stunningly beautiful!

  4. Happy Birthday to your granddaughter and we have Lily's birthday next Saturday now. So, looks like parties all around! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend now :)

  5. A great list this week, Kristi! Those photos of the sky are magnificent!
    I didn't know your nephew had his mission in the Philippines. I will add him to my prayers for everyone there.
    I can't believe your time with Drexel is coming so close to ending. It seems like you just got that adorable puppy!
    Will you be training a weasel next? (That story was so stinkin' funny!)

    1. It was a particularly spectacular morning!

      Thank you for your prayers. I know my nephew appreciates all the thoughts and prayers that have gone up for everyone there in the Philippines. My nephew has been in the Philippines for over a year now.

      Yes, Drexel's days with us are numbered. We will not be training weasels next, though. (We'll probably take a break for a few months, and then get another puppy to raise.)

  6. This quilt sounds awesome! What a perfect gift. Happy Birthday to your granddaughter!

    You know, I just wondered about the Philippines and Filippino as well.. Language is weird ;-)

    I'm glad you got the opportunity to work with people in other areas at your church. Have lots of fun!

    Enjoy your weekend Kristi!!

    1. I once heard someone say that when she became a grandma, she wanted to be the "book grandma"--the one who gave books for presents. I knew right then that I wanted to be a "book grandma", too. When I saw this quilt idea, though, I thought I could also give a quilt. :-)

  7. what an intelligent expression on Drexel, I have never understood how people can watch (never mind live with) a dog as they interact with the world and not believe that there is self-awareness going on (not necessarily what we do for self-awareness) but they know their environment and deliberately interact with it.

    I thought that was a Christmas ornament ! lol (the pomegranate…)

    great sunrise photos.

    1. I once had a dog who would run to the side of the TV when a basketball game was on--he was trying to get the pass! Dogs definitely interact with their environment.

      I won't have Christmas ornaments up until after Thanksgiving. :-)

  8. I am in awe of dogs like Drexel. They truly make a difference to those in need, and more. Thanks for sharing!

  9. If you can solve the Philippines and Filipino conundrum, enlighten me, please. Hoping for the best for you nephew and all he is helping.

    1. Isn't English strange?

      My nephew has been in the Philippines for over a year, and won't be home until late summer of 2014. I'm looking forward to hearing more about his experience with the typhoon; he's only had time to send just a very brief e-mail saying he's fine.

  10. Only four more months of Drexel?! We're all going to miss him, too!

    The reading quilt sounds like such a cool idea! Pictures when you're done?

    I BOUGHT A POMEGRANATE! Stay tuned, I will report on my experience.

    1. Time goes quickly. We are planning on taking a break of a few months, but then we will raise another guide dog puppy. My blog will just be filled with lots of photos of under-16-month-old puppies!

      I'll post photos when I'm done with the quilt, but they won't be zoomed-in, look-at-all-my-mistakes photos. :-)

      You bought a pomegranate? I'm glad you were able to find one! I sure hope you like it!

  11. Sunrise, actually--one of the advantages we early-risers have! :-)

    My nephew is OK. He only sent a brief e-mail to say he was fine, but I imagine he'll tell us more about his experience with the typhoon later.

    Working with Drexel has been a pleasure.

  12. Okay the lab who will be training to help the blind just totally melted my heart. AND, I'm so thinking about my Filipino counterparts. Any society living through 195 mph winds is going to need massive help. My heart aches for them. I spent some time in Manila once and they're such beautiful, beautiful people. Have a wonderful Sunday! xo

  13. The only thing good about Drexel leaving is that there will be a new puppy! Can't wait to see those pictures, too. Labs are just so sweet. Hope you have a great week.


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