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Ten Things of Thankful: Wrapping Up January

January 2014:  It's a wrap!

This week, I'm thankful for:

1.  Colorful eggs that are fresh for the gathering.

 2.  Drexel the Guide Dog puppy.  He's scheduled to return for his formal training in a couple of weeks.  We'll miss him, but we are so excited for him, too.

3.  My Kindle, which allows me to check out and read books from the comfort of my own home.  My latest finish?  The Children of Willesden Lane, based on a true story of a young pianist who fled Austria during WWII and went to London.  

4.  The internet.  I think I have tracked down the person whose letters I found in my attic.  I'm just waiting and hoping for an e-mail response. 

5.  Green eyes, so I can count myself in with the green-eyed group.  (Sorry, girls, I can't call myself part of a gang.)  Lizzi mentioned she has green eyes, and all of a sudden there was a chorus of "Me, too! Me, too!" 

After seeing this photo, I started second-guessing myself.  Are my eyes really green?  As you can see, the color changes a bit depending on what color I wear, but helped me see that they are more green than blue.

 6.  Rain.  We've had just a bit this week, though we desperately need more.

7.  Prayer.  Once a month, Mormons fast for two meals.  Usually the purpose of the fast is individually decided upon.  This coming Sunday, however, California Mormons have been collectively asked to fast and pray for rain.  

Nothing is too small to merit a prayer. One of my favorite Book of Mormon passages is in the 34th chapter of Alma:

 17 Therefore may God grant unto you, my brethren, that ye may begin to exercise your faith unto repentance, that ye begin to call upon his holy name, that he would have mercy upon you;
 18 Yea, cry unto him for mercy; for he is mighty to save.
 19 Yea, humble yourselves, and continue in prayer unto him.
 20 Cry unto him when ye are in your fields, yea, over all your flocks.
 21 Cry unto him in your houses, yea, over all your household, both morning, mid-day, and evening.
 22 Yea, cry unto him against the power of your enemies.
 23 Yea, cry unto him against the devil, who is an enemy to all righteousness.
 24 Cry unto him over the crops of your fields, that ye may prosper in them.
 25 Cry over the flocks of your fields, that they may increase.
 26 But this is not all; ye must pour out your souls in your closets, and your secret places, and in your wilderness.
 27 Yea, and when you do not cry unto the Lord, let your hearts be full, drawn out in prayer unto him continually for your welfare, and also for the welfare of those who are around you.
 8.  (As always), John.  In addition to being an all-around great guy, we have a lot of fun together.  

9.  Date night.  This week, we went to see the movie, The Saratov Approach.  It is a true story of the kidnapping of two Mormon missionaries in Russia in the 1990s.  Though it has Mormon missionaries in it, I think it has appeal beyond the LDS community.  

When we arrived for the afternoon showing, we noticed a sign in the box office window, informing us that one of the lead actors would be having a Q & A session before the first evening showing.  The movie theater workers told us that we were invited to stay after our show for the session.  When the actor showed up and announced he would take questions and answers after the evening showing, we thought we might be out of luck.  Instead, we (and several others of us who had watched the afternoon show) were told we could chat with the actor in the hallway while the movie played. 

I know some of you live by the saying, "Photos or it didn't happen," so here is proof that we met Maclain Nelson:

Phone photo, but still proof!

10.  A Color Me RAD run tomorrow.  John has agreed to run with me--our first 5K together!  We should be a colorful sight by the end of the race, as we will be running through showers of colored cornstarch.  Sounds like fun, right?  

What are you thankful for this week?  Leave a comment, or link up your own blog post to the blog hop!  This is a chatty bunch; you'll enjoy the hop.

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Thanks for another week/month/year. 

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Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts


  1. Where to even. Start...your eyes are very green!
    The hub is joining you in a five k...awesome
    gonna miss Drexel but cool?!
    Crazy I know....but I just like how pretty the diff eggs look together.
    met the!
    Great week...have fun on the run!

    1. Well, I'm crazy with you, then, because I love the colorful eggs, too!

  2. I am loving my iPad and Kindle app again as I am actually getting to read a ton more these last few weeks, too! And yay to date night, too :)

    1. It is tricky sometimes to find the time to sit down and enjoy a book, but oh, so rewarding!

  3. You consistently have a great list of "thankfuls"

    1. Thanks, Nancy. It's fun to go through the week with thankfulness on my mind.

  4. A brush with celebrity. How fun. And good luck on your 5K. Those are some of my favorite Saturday mornings. A race with family and friends. And -- I have green eyes too. :)

    1. Hurray for green eyes! :-)

      The run was a lot of non-competitive fun. I'll put photos up next week.

  5. Well, if the leader of the pack says they're green, I guess they are green. :-) Green-eyed gang does have a bit of a ring to it.

    We will get another puppy, but we are going to wait until fall. Youngest daughter is going to spend some time away from home this summer, and John and I are going to play empty-nesters for a while. It's easier to take spur-of-the-moment weekend trips without having to plan around a puppy.

    The color run was a lot of fun--I'll post photos next weekend.

    I agree that your wettest January on record (wow!) definitely should mix with our no-measurable-precipitation January. We need rain. You need some sunshine. We'll trade for a bit, OK?

  6. I'm a member of the green-eye club as well! Well, hazel but depending on the day and what I wear they can range from green to green-blue with a hint of gray. I love how my eyes do that.

    And Drexel is such a cutie!

    1. Isn't it nice that you can match your eyes to so many outfits?

  7. Yay, green eyes! Yours look green to me! But why can't you be a part of the green-eyed gang?
    Those eggs are beautiful.

    1. Oh, I'm happy to be part of the group--I was just hung up on the word "gang". :-)

  8. All you green eyed girls! Still jealous over here....and yes, they are definitely green! And very pretty, too!
    I think it's great hubby is joining you for the run and can't wait to hear all about it.
    Very cool about the letters! I definitely have to hear how this turns out.
    Is it crazy that I love that picture of the eggs?!? I mean, would make an awesome print for a kitchen! Just a thought...

    1. Thanks. The run was a lot of fun; I'll post photos next week.

      I'm pretty sure I've found the owner of the letters on I sent her a message, but I noticed she hasn't been on ancestry for over a year, so I hope she gets the message.

      You aren't the only one who has commented about the eggs. Thanks for your kind comment. Maybe I'll need to print it up and put it in my kitchen.

  9. My eyes are brown. I think your dog is cool. He is a guide dog? Formal training? Do you train him and he is sent to someone else? Sorry, but he is cute. I love that you are running a 5K. Congrats. I will have to read about the letters. I am planning to check out books on my Kindle too. Just learned that my library is part of an electronic lending program. :)

    1. Drexel is a guide dog puppy in training. I'm a volunteer puppy raiser for Guide Dogs for the Blind. I get a puppy when it is about 9 weeks old, and it stays with me until it is around 16 months old (give or take). My job is to socialize the puppy and teach it basic obedience. The puppy goes where I go--church, shopping, restaurants, etc. When the puppy is ready, it returns to the Guide Dogs for the Blind campus, where it receives its formal instruction on how to guide a blind person.

  10. Yay for green eyes! And don't worry, Kristi - we're a totally good and safe gang. Promise!
    You have so many great thankfuls. And those eggs are awesome - have to agree with Sandy that it would look great as a kitchen print. I would totally hang that in my kitchen!
    Have a wonderful week!

    1. I certainly didn't doubt the goodness of the green-eyed girls--just a little hung up on "gang." Guess I'll have to stop worrying about semantics! :-)

  11. Hello to Drexel, and I wish him all the best for his training. Thanks for sharing this with us!

    1. Thanks! I'll keep you all updated on his progress.

  12. I'm with Michelle on this one… excellent photo of Drexel. (actually your photos always are big part for me of you blog, interesting and very 'well done'… the quality of the photos, I would like to get to that level someday, but I guess if I'm just using my phone I have to be willing to accept the output.

    rain is not bad…totally better than snow, which, fortunately we are not having at the moment.

    1. Thanks. With digital photography, I can just take tons of photos, and with any luck have a few that I can put on the blog.

  13. Love those eggs and that pup! Awesome thankful list :)

  14. What wonderful things to be thankful for -- not sure how you got rain and we didn't! We sure do need it.

    1. Well, we got a few drops, but unfortunately, not anything measurable. More drops fell today, though, so hopefully they will add up to a measurable amount.

  15. EEEEP to the puppy and color picker??? I've always wondered if my eyes are more green than blue, too. Will have to check it out. And oh. Did I say EEEP TO THE PUPPY??? Because aw.

    1. If you use a select tool in pickmonkey or another photo editing program, and select your eye color, it should give you the color code. Then, by putting that code into color picker, you can see how much of each primary color you need to produce your eye color. (Just think, you could paint your walls in eye color, if you wanted to!) I hope that makes sense.

  16. The dog is so cute!
    I'm in the green eyed gang/group too!

  17. My husband told me this week after his 60 mile "Clay Walker MS" ride that he hi fived Clay Walker. I told him it wasn't true unless I see a picture of it. It looks like you did it and running with the stars:) Happy you had a good week and lovely green eyes by the way.
    Also just thought I'd mention to you that my house backs up to the LDS Church. I love having them as neighbors:)

    1. Sounds like you are closer to a LDS church building than I am! Glad you're happy with your neighbors. :-)

  18. wonderful things to be grateful for..
    I am a brown eyed girl , so i guess I belong to their gang ha ah..

  19. …thought I would stop by and mention that 'the oxen are free'


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