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Tuesday Time to Tackle: Finding Lost Items

Few things drive me to distraction quicker than misplacing something.  I like to believe that I am an organized person.  As a student, I took meticulous notes, kept an organized notebook, and got my assignments turned in on time.  Decades later, I'm not quite so perfect in the organization department, but I generally can locate any needed item without too much effort.


"A place for everything, and everything in its place" is a great rule of thumb, and mostly eliminates the need for search parties.  However, I don't always have everything in its place, nor do I always remember what its place is.  Such was the case this morning.

My credit union recently changed credit card providers, and issued new cards.  One of my recurring bills was set up to charge to the old card, so I needed to contact the company to update my payment information.  I looked for the contract, to locate the phone number and my account number, to no avail.  Not in the file folder where I thought it should be.  Not in the other file folder where I thought it might be.  Not in the "to be filed" pile.  I knew I had seen it recently.  Perhaps I had mistakenly put it in the "to shred" box?  No, not there, either.  Increasingly frustrated, I looked in more and more unlikely places.  

Finally, I turned to my never-fail solution:  prayer.  As soon as my knees hit the floor, I knew in which folder I would find my paper.  With a quick word of thanks, I hopped back up, opened the folder, and found the information I needed.  

As far as I know, Jesus did not teach regarding correct paper filing practices; however, I do believe that the Holy Ghost can bring even not-important-in-the-grand-scheme-of-things items to our remembrance.  Prayer is the best technique I know to find lost items.  

Do you use prayer as a tool for finding lost things?

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Thanks for a Heavenly Father who helps me in ways both big and small.

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  1. Catholic's are known to say a prayer to Saint Anthony when one has lost something. The short version my mother-in-law says is, "Tony, Tony, look around. Something's lost and can't be found." She claims it works every time.
    When I was a senior in college, I was diagnosed with endometriosis. Being 21, I wasn't very good at asking the doctor questions, so had no idea what it actually meant. I was worried. A morning soon after, I was getting ready to head to breakfast before class, but I couldn't find my ID. I looked everywhere to no avail. In 4 years, I had never misplaced my ID. (I'm an organized person by nature, too.) When I couldn't find it, I plopped on my bed and turned the TV on to watch the news until class instead. As soon as it came on, they cut to a doctor who was explaining endometriosis. He gave the symptoms, what is happening in the woman's body, and what it means for the future. As soon as they cut to a different story, I remembered where my ID was and went to breakfast, feeling much less worried and unsure.
    I guess mine isn't quite what you asked about, since I didn't kneel and pray. God knew I was worried, though, and helped me.

    1. Christine, What a wonderful story of a "tender mercy". God's love shines through in the little things he does for us that mean so much. Thanks for sharing.

    2. I think that prayers can be offered in various ways, and kneeling beside a bed is only one method. A worried mind is often a constant prayer of supplication. You definitely got an answer, and how reassuring that must have been for you.

  2. Kristi, I use prayer all the time to help locate misplaced items. I figure with His all-seeing eye God knows exactly where things are and in His infinite love and mercy will help me find it. Calming down and thinking pleasant thoughts helps me receive the inspiration from the Holy Ghost. I love getting "tender mercies"!

  3. I am constantly praying for help in my everyday life. No prayer is too small

    1. I agree. How nice that our Heavenly Father answers our prayers, and in a way that is ultimately best for us.

  4. I do not but I think this is a wonderful story!

    1. Well, next time you lose something. . . :-)

  5. Yes....and for calming my soul. Makes me function better.

    1. Oh, I definitely use prayer for more than just lost items. Prayer is a great way to calm one's soul.


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