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Tuesday Time to Tackle: A Game of Tag

Remember how summers during childhood stretched out for so long?  We would amuse ourselves by playing games with neighborhood children.  In some ways, I haven't grown up yet.  My friend Carol, from An Oasis in the Desert, recently tagged me.  The rules of the game dictate that I answer her questions, then tag other bloggers to answer the same questions.  So watch out, I'm "IT!"

Before I start chasing you, though, here are my answers to the questions:

1.  Are you named after someone?  
      No, although my mom met someone named Kristi in her college dorm, I was not named after that person. 

2.  When was the last time you cried?       
     last month 

3.  Do you have kiddos? 
     5 grown ones:  2 sons and 3 daughters.  I also have 2 beautiful granddaughters! 

4.  If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself? 
     I'd like to think so! 

5.  Do you have a guilty pleasure?
     I have a sweet tooth, but try not to indulge it too frequently.

6.  Do you like handwriting?
    I admire beautiful handwriting, but use printing more often than cursive.
7.  What is your favorite cereal?

     I'm a granola kind of girl.

8.  What's the first thing you notice about people?
       their demeanor

 9.  What's the color of your eyes?

        green--though the color seems to change depending on the color I'm wearing

10.  Scary movie or happy endings?
       Definitely happy endings
 11.  Favorite TV shows?
       Once Upon a Time, Studio C, X-Files reruns, Grimm  (You know, because X-Files and Grimm are happy endings shows! :-)  )

12.  Summer or Winter?


13.  Hugs or kisses?

    I'll assume this is a chocolate question.  Kisses for sure.

14.  Do you have a special talent? 

       Funny you should ask:  
15.  Where were you born?
      Oregon. As the bumper sticker says, IADOREGON! 

16.  What are your hobbies?
   I enjoy many things, and run out of time far before I run out of projects.  You might find me blogging, reading, running, doing family history research, raising puppies, sewing, playing the piano, or out on a date with John. 
17.  Do you have any pets?

      My career-changed guide dog puppy, Drexel.  And a backyard flock of chickens.  

18.  Favorite movie?
       It's a Wonderful Life.

19.  What color is your car?
      a golden-beige color, whose official name escapes me

20.  What do you want to be when you grow up?
      I hope to be a better version of my current self. 

OK, now for the fun hard part--trying to tag other bloggers!  I have found that although bloggers love the recognition of being tagged, and they love to introduce blogging friends to their readers, they don't like their friends to feel burdened with a tag.  So, when I tag someone, it's always with the understanding that if you don't want to play, it's OK! 

I appreciate the many friendships I have made through blogging, but I decided this time I would tag three women I actually know in real life:

Julia of Julia T.B.A
Kimberly of Olive the Things 
Martha of The Book of Martha  

Go stop by their blogs and say "hi!" 

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Thanks for friends--new and old, virtual and irl.

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  1. When I read that winter was your favorite, I actually said out loud with a squeal. As in who in her right mind would pick winter?!? But then I remembered where you live. :)
    It took me a loooong time to figure out what IADOREGON meant. In my defense, I'm completely drugged up. :)

    1. I wasn't given the option of autumn, so winter won. Everyone here seems to pick either autumn or spring as the favorite season. Summer is too hot. We sometimes get snow in winter--it's too cold to grow citrus here--but we don't get SNOW like you do.

      Sorry for the bumper sticker confusion. You get a pass. Hope your recovery is going along well and that your kiddos are being great helpers.

  2. Your game is too adorable and what an awesome talent! I also lovelove your answer of wanting to be a better version of yourself when you grow up - here's to that. :)

    1. I'll do just about anything for sweet baby giggles.

  3. I loved your answers! Living where you are I think winter would be my favorite, too! It gets really hot where you are at!

  4. So fun to read, Kristi, and I'd say you are the master of the "donut stack!"


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