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Ten Things of Thankful: This Week and Forgotten Items

I love the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop; it's wonderful to reflect back on the week and review the reasons to be thankful.  Of course, my rememberer isn't as good as it could be, and sometimes I forget things.  So today, I'm going to list not only items that I'm thankful for this week, but also some things that I forgot to mention in weeks past.

1.  I finally figured out how to comment on wordpress blogs without having a silly little alien with X's for eyes as my icon.  Turns out, you just have to sign up with gravatar and you can add your own photo as an icon.  Not that I have anything against aliens (I often watch The X-Files while I run on the treadmill), but I just--perhaps vainfully--didn't feel like the little green man really represented me well.  It bothered me that wordpress just assigned me the alien icon, without asking me my opinion first.  I guess it could have been worse, though.  

2.  Not only do I now have my photo by my comments, apparently the change works retroactively.  I tried to go back and find the little alien guy to illustrate thankful #1, and I can only find my photo near my comments--even old comments that pre-date the time I signed up with gravatar.  

3.  Our local minor league baseball team won its league championship!  John and I like go cheer on the team.  It's particularly fun to see the players move on to the big leagues.

4.  We had fun with Willow, the guide dog puppy, this week.  This photo appeared earlier this week on the blog, but I think it deserves another viewing:

5.  I learned more about social media platforms at Relief Society (church women's organization) this week.  Thanks to some young helpers, I now have an Instagram account.  Now to just use it!

6.  I have a song from Frozen stuck in my head.  That's a good thing, because it is stuck there for a good reason.  

If my sister and I ever fought as kids (who, us?), we were just being stupid.  Now that she doesn't bite and I don't abandon her while playing hide and seek, we get along swimmingly.  I'm looking forward to some snowman-building, or whatever. 

7.  I'm thankful for a kind couple from church, who gave us a stationary bike, as well as a not-stationary bike.  Even though I've been running, apparently cycling uses different muscles.  It's nice to be able to alternate running days with cycling days. 

8.  I'm thankful for kind comments from blog readers.  This past week my friend Bianca mentioned that she found my blog encouraging.  It made my day to hear that this little blog is making a difference to someone.  I'm constantly amazed at how blogging allows us to reach across miles and oceans and develop friendships with those we might never meet in real life.  

9.  I'm thankful for the many resources at our disposal.  Several things have needed attention this week, and it's nice to live in a time and place where medicine is available, where we have indoor plumbing, and where we have refrigeration.  (Yes, the fridge is on the fritz again, but I have hopes that maybe the 3rd time is the charm.)

10.  I'm thankful for hard-working John, who will be spending his Saturday working on the plumbing issue.  Poor guy.  It's been one thing after another lately, but he takes it all in stride.  As he's prone to saying, "Life's an adventure, and adventures tend to work out."
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Thanks for another adventurous week. 

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of Thankful

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  1. I'm thankful for the Internet and our blogs, too. Without it, I couldn't have 'met' you, Kristi.

    1. I enjoy reading your blog and learning more about Japanese culture. I'm glad to have 'met' you, too!

  2. oh my goodness...willow....what a beautiful face. And I agree I find your blog very encouraging as well I know I've mentioned to you before that you really help me since I've connected here and I appreciate it.

    1. I should have linked to your blog as well, because your comments have also made me feel like this blog is helping someone. Everytime I get a comment like yours, it makes my day. :-)

    2. no worries, no need.... just a thank you!!! :)

  3. Another great list of Thankfuls. At first glance I thought the photo of the baseball field was of a fight. Certainly glad to read that it was a celebration instead.

  4. I just joined Instagram this week. Now, I just need to use it! :-)

  5. That is one cute puppy face!
    I love your #6. I am close to one of my sisters. I'll leave it there. And now that song is stuck in my head, too...and right before bed!

  6. Aww! Willow is a sweetie. It looks like it was a week of discovery for you!

    1. She's a great worker, and a playful pup when off-vest.

  7. I agree that your blog is encouraging. Very much so. You are always very positive and uplifting. I'm glad you are no longer a green alien. I know those are supposed to be cute or catchy, but they're not. It will be nice to see your face instead! I love the ruckus made at the end of sporting events, especially championship games. And that pup! Oh my! Looks like my Chloe when she was young....just adorable!

    1. Thank you. Knowing that sometimes something I post helps someone else. . . well, it makes me happy. And, when I read such sweet comments, it makes me want to do a better job at commenting on other blogs.
      I'm glad I'm not the only one who prefers my face to the alien! :-)
      Chloe must be a doll.

  8. That picture of Willow! It's awesome Kristi. I melt when I look at dog pics:)
    OK. No fridge is a bad thing. I hope John has been able to fix it this weekend. I love his attitude - that he can include fixing appliances as a life adventure lol. But more I love that he is confidant it will work out. Nice.
    Most excellent you run and cycle. It is amazing when you start paying attention just how much we get used to doing one thing with our muscles until we try something else. Variety is good. Enjoy. I imagine you have weather in CA you can pretty much ride and run all year?
    Congrats on getting new gravatar Kristi. I like it much better than the alien!

    1. Fortunately, the fridge part of the fridge is still cold. The freezer part is not. The fridge repair took a back seat to the plumbing problem, which was fixed yesterday. Now that water is once again draining properly, we can turn our attention back to the silly fridge.
      I should probably run and ride outside more than I do, especially now that temperatures should be getting more reasonable as fall approaches. However, I tend to be a climate-controlled/fan-on-high/treadmill/stationary bike/watch-something-recorded-on-TV-to-distract-me kind of exerciser. I hate to admit it, but I really have to work to find beauty in the desert; I think if my running locale were greener, I would be more prone to run outside. I think my favorite exercise all year has been when John and I hiked the Narrows at Zion National Park last month. Hiking in the water in such a gorgeous setting was amazing! Variety is definitely good!

  9. I love John's quote about life. Both of you have such wise, experienced words to share. I eat these nuggets up for sure. So the gravatar thing is something I felt I found out about much later in the game as well. I definitely didn't know much about it while I was still on Blogger. I fixed that right before I came to Wordpress, I think. I did notice your picture on your comment this week so yay!

    1. So many bloggers seem to be changing over to Wordpress; I should probably look into that at some point. Right now, though, I'm happy to at least be represented by a photo of me and not that little green alien! :-)

  10. Wordpress hates me and often sends my comments on wordpress blogs straight to the spam folder. And I even signed up for a wordpress account and had a gravatar and everything!
    I'm so out of the loop on what's going on in everyone's lives, since I just haven't been able to read anything for the past two weeks, but I love Willow's sweet face! How did Drexel take having a visitor?

    1. Oh, Drexel loved having Willow, though I do think he was a tad bit jealous that SHE got to go to the baseball game, church, etc. and he had to stay home. However, he's a big, goofy, playful pup, and welcomed having someone to play with. (When guide dog puppies are not in vest, and as long as they don't play too rough, they can play with the other dogs in the home.)

    2. It's good to know the guide dog puppers are allowed to "let their hair down" so to speak!

  11. Gravatar really is wonderful isn't it? I had to go look at your comments on my blog to see it in action! The little things that can make us smile!

    1. Hurray for google, that can help answer queries like, "How can I get my photo to appear in wordpress comments?"

  12. Oh, I want to be your friend on Instagram! Look me up! We always like to root for minor league teams and watch those players rise, too. It's fun to say we saw them play back when. I hope that fridge starts working consistently!!!

    1. I just sent you a request, but now I will need to start posting to Instagram. I'm seeing the granddaughters tomorrow, so be prepared for cute photos! :-)

  13. Hope the plumbing issues work themselves out. I need to revisit my gravatar. I think I signed up for one months or even more than a yera ago. Thanks for being my commentor tongiht. :)

    1. Plumbing--check. Refrigerator--not yet. What fun would home ownership be if everything went smoothly all of the time, right? :-)

  14. You have encouraged me to work on that gravatar thing. And plumbing issues. Yuck! Our well pump broke this week. Flushing with buckets of water. Thankfully, your hub can fix those issues.

    1. I hope your plumbing issues are solved soon, too!


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