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(Nearly) Wordless Wednesday: Cute Kids

When you are not quite 2 years old, your favorite attractions at Disneyland are the Jungle Cruise, the Tiki Room, and the "goggies" at the Big Thunder Ranch petting zoo.

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Thanks for grandchildren and goats. 

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  1. Those could be my favorites too! Looks like a delightful day.

  2. Replies
    1. She just kept saying, "Goggy! Goggy!" I kept repeating, "Those 'goggies' are goats." She loves both kinds of animals: goggies and birds. :-)

  3. She is so cute, Kristi! What gorgeous hair she has!

  4. She is precious! Grandchildren really are the best!

  5. Woo hoo Tiki Room! Been to the Florida one and love it every time. So cheesy. So awesome. :D

  6. So adorable..sounds like a great day and a gal who knows what she likes


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