January: Oldest daughter and I ran a 10K, and (on a different day, of course) John blessed our youngest granddaughter:
February: Drexel returned to the Guide Dog for the Blind campus to begin his formal training, and I went to Oregon to care for my grandma while my Dad had heart surgery.

March: I returned home, and spring arrived.
April: Drexel career-changed, ending his chance to be a guide dog, and came home to us as a family pet. John and I celebrated our 27th anniversary.
May: John took over my blog for Mother's Day, and I reflected on what my mom has taught me over the years.
June: I returned to Oregon to help my parents out a bit, and reflected on what my dad has taught me over the years.

July: John and I became empty nesters for five weeks, I was asked to be the Relief Society president in my ward, and we watched the beauty of the supermoon.

August: This month was one big party. John and I spent some time at our favorite San Diego bed and breakfast, meandered our way to Utah, hiked The Narrows at Zion National Park, I attended Education Week at BYU, and John and I ran our first 10K together.
September: In a preview of things to come, we puppy-sat Willow.
October: Willow came back, and we will finish raising her before she returns to Guide Dogs for the Blind. I'll always be a Pacific Northwesterner at heart, but I did come up with things I like about the desert.

November: John and I took a weekend trip to Catalina Island, and we remembered again how much we enjoy water sports.
Thanksgiving found us surrounded by family.

December: My sister and I took our much-anticipated girls-only trip to Disney World. (We did have fun, despite what the photo shows.) Oldest daughter surprised John and I by unexpectedly coming home for Christmas. With the exception of our oldest son and his wife (and we saw them at Thanksgiving), we had all our children and grandchildren with us on Christmas Eve.

Well, there you have it: a quick look back over the year. I'm so thankful for the time we spent with family.
It was a great year for you and John. Glad I was able to watch it all play out. :)
ReplyDeleteThis was a great post to recap your year. I loved seeing the photos again.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it such a fun exercise to go back through and relive all that happened through the year? I'm so glad you linked up!
ReplyDeleteYour pictures are always amazing, Kristi (well, except for your selfies, and they are improving :) thanks to your daughter). I'm glad Drexel decided to change his career (or had it decided for him), because I think he was meant to be your dog. And I absolutely adore that photo of you and your mom in the kitchen. Great year, Kristi!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful review, you have had a good year! I hope 2015 will be even better!