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I'm Not Sure Where Mustaches Fit In

My friend (and long-lost cousin) Dyanne tagged me to answer some questions.  And just right now, I figured out how mustaches fit it!  I must ask you some questions.  Must ask=mustache, get it? Boy, I am slow.  And too lazy to change the post title.  

Want to learn more about me?  Read on:

Four names people call me other than my real name:
Mom, Mommy, Mombo, Grandma
(I asked John for help with this question, and he said, "Sweetie, um, Cutie, [pause] What do I call you?")

Four jobs I've had:
(I'm including jobs without monetary compensation)
Cabin counselor at Camp Easter Seals 
Puppy raiser for Guide Dogs for the Blind 
Substitute worker at Oregon State School for the Blind

Four movies I would watch/have watched more than once:
(There are many that I have seen more than once; these are just the first four that came to mind.)
It's a Wonderful Life
Life is Beautiful

Four books I would recommend:
Book of Mormon
Harry Potter series
Little House books

Four places I have lived:
California, Oregon, Utah, Washington

Four places I have been:
Tokyo, New York City, London, Honolulu

Four places I would rather be right now:
(I answered these questions while in a doctor's office waiting room, so this question was particularly easy.)

Home, Disneyland, on a cruise with John, at the temple

Four things I don't eat:
(I'm including drink)

coffee, alcohol, hamburger that is pink in the middle, liver (although if liver is served to me, I will choke it down)

Four of my favorite foods:
raspberries, Dungeness crab, artichokes, filberts (hazelnuts)

Four TV shows I watch:
Once Upon a Time, Studio C, Forever, Grimm

Four things I'm looking forward to this year:
BYU Education Week
Helping my daughter move to Seattle for law school
The birth of my grandson
Learning where my son will be accepted for medical school

Four things I'm always saying:
I asked my youngest daughter for help answering this question.)

I love you, too.  (My heart melted a bit, and I felt pretty happy.)

Hand me your ticket, and I'll go get the fast passes.  (Apparently we go to Disneyland a bit.)

That's enough.  (A now-defunct Guide Dog puppy command, which apparently I still use on my child.)

Do you want to argue with me?  (Smart girl, she knows the correct answer is no.)

She then said, "Sorry that they are all negative."  What?!  I told her the first two were pretty nice.  Then it dawned on me:  glass half-empty vs. glass half-full.  I'll have to make sure that I keep the glass much closer to completely full!   

Now to the part of the challenge that is hard:  tagging other bloggers.  It is not hard to come up with four bloggers; it's hard for me to know whether or not the bloggers will want to participate.  
So, I'll mention four bloggers.  They can, without guilt, choose whether or not to participate.  And if you don't find your name on the list, don't worry!  I'd love to hear your answers, too.  

Bianca of Quilts, Cats and Automobiles
Grandma KC of Amaraland
Ivy of Uncharted
Nancy of Wyoming Breezes

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Thanks for friends!

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  1. What a great post and I loved learning so much about you! I will tell you this -- we can have dinner together anytime! Love your favorite foods!

    Thank you for inviting me to play -- I feel very honored -- but I am going to pass!

    1. No problem. I can never remember which bloggers like participating in these sorts of things, and which don't. :-)

  2. Yay! You did it!
    I don't do alcohol, either.
    I was served a very pink (really, red and bleeding) hamburger AFTER I ORDERED IT VERY WELL DONE when I was pregnant with Kyle. I nearly lost it, and my husband sent it back. Came back between pink and red, and I was done. Couldn't eat a bite of anything, especially that hamburger, even if they had brought it back one more time and it was actually done.
    I love the Little House books! You should come here and visit and I will take you to the little farm where Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote the books.
    Oooo, LOVE It's A Wonderful Life! And Elf.
    I knew you'd put raspberries on your list!

    1. My oldest son got sick when he was little, and was transferred from one hospital to another via ambulance. While the whole experience was memorable, one thing that really stands out was sailing through a packed waiting room at the Children's Hospital. The room was filled with children who had developed e-coli after eating undercooked hamburgers at Jack in the Box. Even though that was not my son's illness, we've never forgotten that packed waiting room. (And we still don't go to Jack in the Box.)

      I would love to see that farm, and if I ever make it to your neck of the woods, I will definitely let you play tour guide!

  3. Yay! Loved your answers! And you reminded me that I detest hazelnuts.

  4. What a nice post! This is my first visit to your blog and I got to learn a lot about you right off the bat! I won't eat hamburger pink either. And if the blood is on my plate from a steak, then I send it back. No blood for me! I am cruising through from the A to Z Road Trip and hope to visit again!

    1. I don't mind steak on the rare side, but hamburger has to be fully cooked for me.

      Thanks for stopping by! I'm still working my way through the A to Z Road Trip, but will be sure to visit your blog.

  5. wonderful answers... I'm not a fan of liver either but now I'm going to consider eating my burgers more cooked.


    1. If I see pink in my hamburger, my mind immediately thinks of e-coli. That makes it hard to enjoy eating undercooked burgers! :-)

  6. Oh dear, you tagged me.... I'm always honoring those kind of tags, so I guess I know what I will be doing tomorrow. I'm off to bed in half an hour, so you'll have to wait a bit more....

    I love to learn more about you, so thanks for sharing again. The movie Up is one I couldn't see a second time, because I cried my eyes out the first time in the first 15 minutes.... (anyone who whatched it know what I mean) and Forever is my new favorite on tv now.
    Other than that we don't have much in common I'm afraid.

    1. Hmm, we'll see if this reply "sticks." I'm responded once already, but my reply seems to have disappeared.

      Anyway, I'm patient. If you aren't up to blogging, don't feel obligated. I don't want you to feel like you have to join in, if you don't feel like it.

      Hmm, your comment about Up made me realize that (with the exception of Elf), my favorite movies are those that move me to tears in parts, but ones in which the main characters emerge stronger and happy, despite their challenges. I must admit, though, those first 15 minutes had me digging in my purse for Kleenex.

      Unfortunately, Forever has been cancelled, so there will be no new episodes. :-(


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