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Six Sentence Story: Rush Delivery

I'm attempting something new today, and joining up with the Six Sentence Story hop.  This week's theme is Rush.

unnamed (19)

"You need an emergency c-section, and there is no time for an epidural.  The doctor will give you general anesthesia."

With months left before my due date, waves of panic cascade over me. "Just hold it together until I fall asleep" becomes my mantra on the gurney ride to the operating room. 

Suddenly--though my still-heavy eyelids prevent me from seeing the source--I hear, "Your son is in the NICU and breathing on his own."  Relief replaces fear.  

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Thanks for skilled medical professionals.

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  1. Very scary to ooooh! Chills! Very nice! Wow, you should do this kind of thing more often! Was this true? Thanks so much for taking part in this , Kristi! I know its not your usual but you did great at it...maybe it should be?!

    1. Thanks. Yes, it's true. Thanks for hosting! I might just try this again.

  2. Certainly glad for the happy ending!

  3. Gripping! Very happy for the lovely ending!

  4. Glad this had a happy ending! It's so scary finding out something is wrong with a baby.

  5. Oh, my! I am glad this is only six sentences, you probably would've had me crying over here . . ;) Good job!

    1. The expanded story is way too long for one blog post. :-)

  6. Relief replaced fear for me, too, while reading this. Good thing I knew it turned out right!

    1. Only 4 scary sentences for those that didn't know the outcome.

  7. Breathing on his own. Oh, wonderful relief. NICU is a wonderful place full of caring and hoping professionals. Thankful YES!

    1. Betamethosone shots worked, and Patty the NICU nurse diligently cared for "Peanut."

  8. All's well that ends well, right?

  9. Kristi, I could relate to your story very well... my first child, my daughter's birth was like that. There was little time to think of being concerned or afraid it all happened so fast, though she was full term, but breech. No one was there with me but my husband, we were so young. But she arrived safe and sound and healthy, and I thank God for that. Great story with a happy ending, thank you for sharing!

    1. I'm glad your daughter's birth had a happy ending, too!

  10. Oh, you did non-fiction! I couldn't come up with anything. Glad you joined in. These are fun to read.

    1. I'll have to really get my creative juices flowing to attempt fiction.

  11. My Zilla's birth started a lot like that, only I had the epidural and it wore off during the section. Not. Cool. So glad this turned out well.

  12. What a great account of one of the most important events in a woman's life. Mere men have little understanding although I was at my daughters birth at home more than 50 years ago and it was both moving and inspiring to be put to work to help!

    1. That's sweet of you to say, but I think in some ways it is just as hard for a man to watch his wife go through the process of labor and childbirth. How nice that you were able to participate in your daughter's birth!

  13. Your short story is very powerful.

    1. Thank you. I noticed we both had a medical theme for our stories.

  14. Great story and an interesting idea. I don't know if I could write a story in 6 sentences. So glad you and your son made it through safely.

    1. It was a fun challenge to tell a story in only 6 sentences.

  15. So much drama in so little words. Everyone reading this can feel the tension, fear and relieve in these few lines.... You should write a book. I'm sure you'd be great at it!

    1. You are very kind. I'm not sure I could manage more than 6 sentences each week!


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