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TToT: Rain, Running, Rest

It's time once again for the Ten Things of Thankful.  I look forward each week to remembering.  There is always good to be found, always tender mercies to be discovered.  I enjoy reading the expressions of gratitude that other TToT participants write.  Won't you join us?

This week, I'm thankful for:

1.  Rain.  We had a bit, and by a bit, I mean only a bit.  However, I am thankful for every drop.

2.  Running shoes.  At the last Disney run, I put wings on my shoes, and they have stayed there ever since.  The whimsy delights me.

3.  Faster running times.  I don't know if it's the wings on my shoes, but I ran two miles at a better-than-10-minute-mile pace this week. I don't think I've done that since high school.  Middle age is feeling pretty good right now.  

4.  Library story times.  My granddaughters moved closer to me this month, and now we have a standing date on Tuesday mornings. I have always loved library story times, and now I get to share that love with my sweet grandchildren.

5.  A sewing machine.  John surprised me with a serger recently, and I'm having fun learning how to use it.  The fact that I am also using some of my fabric stash is also a nice bonus.

6.  The ability to transfer VHS to DVD.  I spent this morning watching a video of our wedding reception.  The video was primarily made by my brother, who was just barely 13 years old at the time.  He made sure to video every person there, and particularly made sure that every baby and child was accounted for. When we saw the video the first time, we subtitled it, "Benjamin's First Wedding Reception." At one point, someone was heard to say that it would take 2 years to edit the footage.  Well, here it is 28 years later, and I'm attempting to edit.  However, I think I will leave an unedited version on the DVD, because it's such a step back in history.  My grandmother comments, "That thing picks up everything you say!" every time she is caught on tape.  Someone else asks, "Is that shooting action or still?" Cameras have boxy little rotating flashes on the top.  I think the lack of professionalism on that video is charming, and matches our "we're not sure what we're doing, but we're having fun" attitude.  At one point, my dad tells my sister (then just shy of 16) to place everyone in position in the receiving line.  We had no clue, and were relying on my sister's memory of reading Miss Manners books.  I love my down-to-earth family.   

7. Order and organization.  Now, when I open my sock drawer, instead of getting frustrated with a jumbled mess, I can easily find just the pair of socks I seek.  It's a small thing, but it's so nice. Ditto for my bathroom drawer.  I'm not sure what will strike my fancy next, but I don't think I'm done with this streak. 

8.  An upcoming Disneyland trip with oldest daughter.  She is coming into town for her best friend's wedding, but has a day free to spend with me.  We are both Disney aficionados. We are going to Disneybound as characters from Winnie the Pooh.  I found a great outfit for Eeyore this week, which I am so excited to wear! 

9.  A less hectic week.  Last week kept me hopping; this week proceeded at a more laid-back pace.  I appreciate the relative calm.

10.  John.  Despite the quieter week, I still had a time (or two!) when I was getting a bit overwhelmed with different situations.  He listened to my not-so-Thankful-Me moments, and reminded me that adventures have a way of working out.  I appreciate his grounding influence, and I told him right then that he just made my Thankful list again this week!  

What's on your list this week?  

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Ten Things of Thankful

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  1. at first I couldn't figure out when I was looking at on your running shoe. Then I realized oh my gosh she has wings!

    1. It has been bugging me that my android copped out and I didnt get to finish and say FRIST! Kinda crazy but its the little things y'know?

    2. You earned it, so claim it!

    3. Aren't the wings great? I tell you, Disney runs are magical!

  2. You see, that's the key! Remembering. There are times during the week when something strikes me and I think to myself "that! is something I can put into my TToT". The end of the week comes and I have this nagging feeling...I know there was something I was so very grateful for! And then I feel guilty when I can't remember!
    What excellent time Kristi! I don't run but walk and let me tell you - I do try and keep the pace brisk but my new "favored" route? Hilly. It's tough to keep it going. You seem to be bettering your time. Keep it up!
    Love your outfit but not seeing the Eeyore connetion. But then, I don't really know about Winnie the Pooh.

    1. Hills are definitely a challenge. The incline on my treadmill is broken, so I run strictly on a flat surface. Also, treadmill times tend to be faster than outdoor running, so who knows if I'd have the same pace outdoors. I'll take it, though. :-)
      Disneybounding isn't the same as costuming. The idea is to take normal clothes, but match the colors and style of the characters. Eeyore is grayish-blue, with a bit of pink accessories (ribbon on tail), so I used that as inspiration. If you follow the Disneybound link, you'll see all sorts of examples of ideas for other characters.

  3. Add another Disney afficionado to the list (me!!)

  4. Congratulations on the running time. Maybe I should try wings on my sneakers. I've had fun with the 2 mile run this week. Your Eeyore outfit is adorable. I might wear that on any given day.

    1. That's kind of the point with Disneybounding--to take regular clothes, and combine them in the color pattern of the character.

  5. excellent progressioning on the 2 Mile Run! having the numbers to how for each day totally helps…and totally happy to have Sunday's off.
    quiet is good too, sounds like a less exciting week than the previous two, which is not, in and of itself a bad thing!.

    1. Thank you for inviting me to participate in the challenge. It has made my running far more consistent than I had been doing, not to mention faster.
      Quiet has been nice.

  6. I cannot get over how well you are doing with the 2 mile challenge!!! You are flying with those wings! Good for you.
    I love how you always dress the part when you do Disneyland activities. I am terrible at just getting costumes for Halloween, and here you are getting them ready once a month!

    1. I'm oddly competitive, and knowing that I have to post a photo everyday has driven me to push myself more than I normally would. I'm as surprised as anyone that my times are as fast as they are (though fast is relative, and thousands of runners ahead of me at Disney runs wouldn't accuse me of a break-neck pace.)
      Oh, wait till you see the outfits for the next 10K! John and I are running as Carl and Ellie from UP. So far we have the grape soda pins. I'm still trying to figure out how to get the look of overalls without the weight of running in denim, but I'm excited to put these outfits together.

  7. This is one of your best lists! Yes, by all means, keep a copy of the original video of your wedding because it's a true time capsule.

    Enjoy your upcoming trip and your relaxed schedule this week.

    1. Thank you. I've got the entire video saved to my computer. I'm definitely going to keep an unedited version, though I'll probably try to make an edited copy as well, adding music, etc.

  8. Where did you get those wings? Did you actually get them on that run? They are so adorable!!!
    We are getting a lot of rain too. In fact, it is raining right now! My son is actually playing ball in it and I'm staying indoors!!
    How funny is it that you mention that your brother was barely 13 in your wedding because my brother was barely 13 too! I'm the oldest of 5!! My youngest is 12 years younger than me. When I look back at our wedding photos, I laugh because they look like babies!
    I am a freak for sock drawer organization. Ours is all chaos right now because I threw my back out and my husband ended up doing the laundry for a few weeks. He just shoved stuff all in there. Drives me batty!!!

    1. I got the wings at the expo before the run. They cost a promotional tweet (or was it an Instagram post?) about Disneybounding and New Balance. :-)

  9. I not one to enjoy hectic weeks, so one that follows a more relaxed pace is always welcome. As for rain, I would quite honestly love to send you some of what we've been getting. It's at the point where it's not healthy for my house!

    I really like that outfit you have picked out. It looks so pulled together!

    1. I would gratefully accept your offer of rain!

  10. I always love your list! I am thankful to have last week behind me and hope that next week will be a healthier one. I never get ill and 2 trips to the doctor in one week is 2 too many! Next week is the last week of school for Amara and I expect it to be a crazy wonderful week!

    1. Oh, wow! I hope you are feeling better and can enjoy this busy week.

  11. I, too, love the whimsy of the wings on your shoes. I need some of those!
    How fun to watch that wedding video!

  12. Without a doubt, the wings are a booster. Keep them on!
    I have a delightful wedding video made by our minister's wife (this was my childhood minister, who came to do my wedding). It was candid and informal and caught so many details that I didn't even know about, since I was busy getting married :) I love it!

    1. It is fun to see things from another perspective, isn't it?

  13. Eeyore (or "Retire", as autocorrect likes to call him) has always been a favorite of mine. I might not be the glass-half-empty sort of person, but I like his soft-spoken and humble nature.

  14. Impressive running time!

    It sounds like a wonderful trip down memory lane to watch your wedding video. You are inspiring me to get ours out and do the same.

    1. Thank you. It was a nice trip down memory lane.

  15. My home is in need of more order and organization. Garage sale next month is on the to-do list!

    1. Oh, you brave soul! I shop garage sales, but rarely hold one.

  16. Kristi, you have inspired me once again, so I created my own TTofT this last week.

    1. Being able to learn new things, i.e. how to scan a photo to my computer and send it as an attachment in an email.

    2. Having increased ability to do things as I recover from my surgery, i.e. being able to reach down to tie my shoestrings.

    3. Neighbors who share their fresh garden greens with us. We have enjoyed tender chard, spinach and snap peas.

    4. Having not only a desire, but the energy, to do tasks. It was nice to be able to organize and declutter some areas that had been bothering me.

    5. Thrift stores. I was looking for a couple of small bookcases, and unfortunately didn't find any, but found something better for the purpose---great looking baskets!

    6. Going on a date with my husband to a "new to us" restaurant. Thanks to a friend mentioning this restaurant, we decided to try it out and are glad we did.

    7. Being able to walk with assurance over rough garden terrain to be able to appreciate up close my husband's work in developing a hummingbird garden. It is so pretty.

    8. A living prophet, Thomas S. Monson, and being able to easily access his counsel online at It is nice to be able to know what is pertinent for people in this day and age.

    9. Friends who visit, call and who offer assistance during my time of recovery.

    10. Our children. Just as we learned so many lessons as their parents when they were young, we still continue to be taught by their example and words as we approach our later years.

    1. Good job, Mom! Next step--blogging and linking up. :-)

    2. Well done, Pat! You remind me that there is so much we take for granted in our daily lives. When we have something that sets us back (like surgery), we recognize so much of what we take for granted when fully functional.

    3. Ok....sorry but I don't know if I will ever be a good enough person to be thankful for chard (blech) but all the rest im with ya! Not the least of which is Kristi is pretty inspiring! Mix that with surgical recovery, hummingbirds and a good thrift store and im sold! So Kristi mentioned blog in her taking the plunge? Its actually more of a toe dipping than it seems! Welcome to Ttot!

    4. Pat, learning new things is always a #1 spot and um, I don't even know what chard is but being thankful for fresh greens and gardens shared seems like a perfectly good thankful! Recovering from surgery is never easy - my husband has had multiple knee surgeries and can no longer ride a bike (boo) but is almost-running again.
      So glad to have read your list this week and as Kristi's name twin, I agree that you should blog and join regularly!

    5. ok... let me go on record... as a rabbid vegetarian I am not anti-produce I am just not pro-chard! icky... but someone has to like it... more for you ... hoopla!

    6. What a beautiful list, Pat!
      I also love chard, no matter what anybody says. I have a great recipe with chard, pasta, and other goodies that even my chard-hating husband loves. I can't wait for our chard to come in! It's especially pretty with rainbow stems.
      Glad your recovery is going well. That must feel wonderful! Hope you'll join us again - maybe on your own blog??? ;)

    7. Thanks for the encouraging words. I'll give some thought to doing a blog. That might be a bit of a jump for me at the moment, but who knows. Life is full of surprises.��

    8. Hi Kristi's mom! If you can learn to scan something and email it, you can get a blog started. It is really easy. :)

      I know just how you feel about having being able to tie your shoes again. When I was in therapy after my knee surgery, I kept telling them that I just wanted to sit on the floor again, and then I wanted to be able to sit cross-legged again. Simple things we didn't know were important to us until we couldn't do them...

  17. Disneyland and a faster running time? Those are worth 10 each right there!!! Also, the wings, on your shoes. <3

    1. I took a day off running today, but hopefully will be "flying" again tomorrow. :-)

  18. I am thinking I need to put wings on my running shoes! I am pretty slow, and can use all the help I can get ;)

  19. The wings on the shoes are definitely whimsical - and who knows? Maybe they did help your running time? I'm still working on getting back from a flare to do the two-mile thing. We'll see how it goes.
    The Eeyore outfit is adorable - he has always been one of my favorites. Rain is always good.

  20. I absolutely agree with Kristi C (and everyone else it seems!) Wings, improved running time and Disneyland. That sounds like a complete list to me!


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