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Showing posts from July, 2015

Photo Blogging Challenge: Patriotic

"Patriotic" is the perfect theme for July's Photo Blogging Challenge !  And what better to show patriotism than flags? Photo:  Folk-art statue of flag-waving angel, dressed in red, white, and blue dress, and carrying a basket with a cat angel

Six Sentence Story: Step

Have you written a Six Sentence Story yet?  It's a lot of fun!  This week's prompt:  Step.

Cyber-bullying Has an Opposite

In this day and age, where bullying dominates the headlines, news of kindness hides in the background.  Though social media platforms host much negativity,  they are also capable of support and encouragement.  

August Visiting Teaching Message

Each month this year, the visiting teaching message is about another attribute of Jesus Christ.  August's message talks about Christ being meek and humble.  Caption: "Meekness is vital for us to be more Christlike.  Without it we won't be able to develop other important virtues.  Being meek does not mean weakness, but it does mean behaving with goodness and kindness, showing strength, serenity, healthy self-worth, and self-control.--Elder Ulisses Soares"

I Believe (4th in a Series): Procreation

This is the fourth in a series of posts explaining my beliefs regarding the family.  Each post examines another paragraph (or two, in the case of this post) from The Family:  A Proclamation to the World.   I've previously discussed marriage , gender , and the eternal nature of families .  Today's topic of procreation naturally follows.

Ten Things of Thankful: Pioneer Day Edition

Did you know that today (July 24th) is Pioneer Day?  No?  Well, let me introduce you to a little-known-outside-Utah-or-the-LDS-community holiday. Image:  Painting depicting a line of pioneers, most walking and pulling handcarts, some driving wagons.   Source

Six Sentence Story: Trunk

I wasn't sure if I would get linked up for Six Sentence Stories this week; it seems like I've needed this week to get caught up on "real life" stuff after being gone for a while last week.   (Don't worry, Mom, everything is fine!)  However, once I figured out what I could write about with the prompt, "Trunk," I only needed to compose six sentences.  So, with that mesmerizing introduction, here is my story:

Magical Trip Report: Grand Canyon North Rim

You might have noticed that yesterday's blog post was titled:  Ten Things of Thankful:  A Magical Trip Edition.  Perhaps you wondered, "Why did Kristi use the word 'magical'  ?"  Today I will tell you.   Photo:  Profile view of John driving the van

Ten Things of Thankful: A Magical Trip Edition

I'm linking up late in the weekend because I wanted to return home before I hit the publish button.  I thought maybe I was on vacation, but I learned from this article  that I was actually on a trip.  If you've ever slept somewhere other than your own bed at home, go click on that link and have a good laugh.  Then come back and finish reading my post.   (Disclaimer:  I do not agree 100% with the article's author, so if you are extended family, do not be offended. Opinions expressed in that article do not necessarily reflect my own feelings.)

Six Sentence Stories: Letter

I applaud Ivy's ability to choose prompt words.  Once again, I could draw on personal experience to come up with a Six Sentence Story . This week's prompt:  Letter. 

I Believe (3rd in Series): Families Can Be Forever

The first two installments in this series have discussed some fairly controversial subjects, and I have appreciated the calm manner in which comments have been given.  Although I don't anticipate that everyone will hold my same beliefs on the topic at hand today, I think that the ideas presented might be comforting and hopeful. Today's topic:  the eternal nature of families.

Ten Things of Thankful in July(?)

The calendar says July.  The temperatures say anything but summer.  I'm thankful.

Six Sentence Story: Pound

It's another installment of Six Sentence Stories !  This week's prompt:  Pound.

I Believe (Second in a Series): Gender

  Last week, I wrote about my views on traditional marriage .  This week, I'd like to explore three more sentences from  The Family:  A Proclamation to the World.      This post will discuss gender.

Searching for an Image Using Google: An Illustrated Tutorial

Have you ever seen something and wondered, "What is that?" Well, thanks to the internet, it is possible to take a photo of that something and do a google search for it!  One of my kids taught me how, but in case you don't have access to a teen or young adult, let me share how it is done.

Ten Things of Thankful: Land of the Free

Here it is, Independence Day weekend, and I am thankful for many things.  Last weekend I posted Ten Things of Significance for my Ten Things of Thankful.  This weekend, I'll attempt to catch you up on some of my activities of the past two weeks, and the things I've been particularly thankful for--all that come with freedom.

Six Sentence Story: Fall

I'm really enjoying the Six Sentence Stories prompts.  This week's word:  Fall.

July Visiting Teaching Message: Jesus Christ: Forgiving and Merciful

Though the visiting teaching messages are chosen months (a year?) in advance, it often seems like the messages are picked in response to events of the world.  Such would be the case this month.  July's message is another in a series:  Divine Attributes of Jesus Christ: Forgiving and Merciful.