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Ten Things of Thankful in July(?)

The calendar says July.  The temperatures say anything but summer.  I'm thankful.

1.  The weather has been cooler this week.  As in, "Turn the swamp coolers off!" cool.  I even put on a lightweight sweater on Thursday.  (Yes, this desert living has turned me into a bit of a wimp. 70 degrees used to be shorts weather, now it's bundle up weather! Anyway, I am so glad for a brief reprieve from triple-digit temperatures.  I'd even be OK with jumping straight to fall, but I don't think that is realistic. 

2.  The weather cooled off in time for the Relief Society BBQ.  A few days before the scheduled BBQ, I was wondering to myself why in the world we had planned a BBQ for July, when it would be blazing hot.  My yard doesn't offer much natural shade, nor does it offer much protection from the wind.  I had a plan B in mind for everyone to just come inside, but fortunately, the weather was perfect--a little on the cool side, even.  We had a good turn-out, and I think everyone enjoyed the chance to visit together.  

3. Drexel is a great foot-warmer.  Not only that, he makes me chuckle as he softly woofs in his sleep.  

Though the air temperature might not feel like July, in other respects, it is definitely summer. 

4.  I'm thankful for backyard 4th of July celebrations.

5.  I'm thankful for dentists and doctors that can work home-for-the-summer college kid into their schedules. 

6.  I'm thankful for summer weddings.  Friday night was the wedding of middle daughter's longtime friend.  Youngest son has also been friends with the bride's brother for years.  It's so fun to look back and see how everyone has grown up.

7.  I'm thankful for the anticipation of BYU Education Week.  John always stays home and holds down the fort while I get away for a week and attend class after class after class after. . .  The course schedule was released recently, and I've been pouring over the catalog, happy to see my favorite instructors back for another year.

8.  I'm thankful for a (relatively) clean house.  (This isn't necessarily a description of summer, but summertime gatherings help bring it about.) Sure, I have my to-do list that never ends, but looking around brings me a sense of peace and accomplishment, not a feeling of annoyance for what still needs to be done.  

9.  I'm thankful that some garden plants are still alive, despite the drought.  Tomatoes and peppers are starting to come on.  It won't be the world's greatest garden this year, but at least it is a garden.

10.  I'm thankful for John.  He staked up a screen to provide shade for the BBQ.  He took charge of the safe and sane fireworks for the 4th.  He helps me with the family tradition of caramel popcorn. (One of his jobs is to measure and stir in the baking soda. "Heaping?" he asks, when I tell him the measurement. We recycle that joke every year, and every year it just gets more funny.) I could write a whole TToT within this item every week.  

How's the weather in your neck of the woods?  What are you thankful for this week?

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Ten Things of Thankful

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  1. We went to the coast to escape the heat and enjoyed the high 60's and low 70's. We loved it, especially when there wasn't a lot of wind blowing the sand. Didn't need a sweater. Our cool weather arrived yesterday. It is a nice reprieve.

    I'm BYU Education Week envy. You will have so much fun.

    Drexel made me miss our "foot warmer."

    That was nice of John to put up the screen.

    The bride looks beautiful!

    1. You and Dad would make great Guide Dog puppy raisers! Hint, hint.

    2. first the blogging and now this?!

    3. I know, Ivy. I'm relentless, huh?

    4. That hint just isn't an option now. :-)

  2. This was a great list... I can imagine that 70 is cool when you deal in triple digits constantly. I love that Drexel barks in his sleep... Skip does that and he also snores like a fog horn... but my favorite it if he is barking in his wakeful hours you can say "inside voice" and he lowers it to a little tiny " woof."

    1. Oh, that's too cute! Drexel doesn't bark when he's awake, the only time we hear barking from him is when he's asleep. Drexel snores sometimes, too. It was always a bit embarrassing when he was still a puppy-in-training and he would snore during church services!

  3. isn't it nice when you have so many things to be thankful for. I am going to assume if you're turning off swamp coolers and skirting off to BYU you're in Utah? That has to be the more gorgeous state ever in the whole wide world, if so I am officially jealous. I am here in Calif and have spent the last 50 yrs want to not be here but thankful at the same time. Have a great weekend!

    1. No, I share your state. I'm in California. It's just been weird weather here the past few days. I suspect the swamp coolers will be turned back on today.

  4. I'm glad you've had some cooler weather - triple digits sounds intolerable to me. My oldest adores home made caramel corn. I don't make it very often though as kettle corn just seems easier.

    1. We don't make caramel corn often either, but it is a 4th of July tradition for us.

  5. Your thankfuls for John are always the best!

  6. I'm also thankful that it has been cooler and even rainy the last week - very unusual for this time of year.

    Would love to hear the story behind the measurement joke. I hope you'll share it sometime.

    1. The first time John and I made caramel popcorn together, I asked him to measure the baking soda. I think the recipe calls for one teaspoon. John asked, "Heaping?" Baking soda is one of those ingredients that an exact measurement is best, so we laughed about using a heaping teaspoon as opposed to a level teaspoon. The joke probably isn't all that funny, but it is a shared tradition, so we enjoy it. :-)

  7. I am always entranced by the dog barking in his sleep or the other cute little noises he makes when he is deep asleep. The foot warmer is true. They are much better at it then cats.

    1. Why is it that animals (and kids, for that matter) are so adorable when they are asleep?

  8. I am glad you are having some mild weather. Those 100+ temps have got to be miserable, especially when in the middle of a drought.
    While the photos of the girls are fun, I can't get over the difference in the boys! I'm sure it's because they were younger, but still! Shocking.
    I love to hear about the fun you and John have together, even when it's just over silly little traditional jokes. Those little things are important in tying a couple together.
    I can't believe Education week is coming up again already. Time is flying!

    1. The boys are the same age, but my guy was a preemie, and small for gestational age to boot. I hoped he would finally catch up to "normal" size, and as you can see, he finally did! That photo was taken when the boys were in 7th or 8th grade.

  9. The picture of your dog has me laughing! That is EXACTLY what the scene in my house looks like right now!!
    It finally warmed up but these last few weeks has been really chilly. Very strange for this time of year. I've been wearing long sleeves!
    The bride looked absolutely stunning!

  10. #3! yeah! (I assume you mean when they bark in their sleep…no doubt as part of some adventure)… there is also that 'cheeks billowing out' thing that they do in their sleep

    …my person favorite (and fairly rare) is the tail wagging, when dreaming surely having a good time.

    1. The tail wagging thing is cute. I also think it's cute when the very young puppies appear to be nursing in their sleep.

  11. There's nothing like a scheduled event to provide the motivation to get the house and the yard in the best shape it can. I'm glad the weather was nice for the BBQ. We're having a huge birthday celebration for my daughter's boyfriend's 30th birthday in a few weeks. We are working hard on sprucing everything up. Now if it rains. . . . . . . ugh, I don't want to think about it.

    1. And the more special the event, the better shape the house and yard! Hope the birthday party goes great. If rain threatens, just send it to me!

  12. Our weather was a little cooler last week, but the downside was it brought all that rain that we really didn't need. Sure wish we could send you some of it!
    I love, love, LOVE the old picture of youngest son and his friend compared to the new one!

    1. That old photo is one of my favorites. They were just such an unlikely pair, but have been good friends for so many years now.
      Is the water level at the lake going down now?

    2. Yes, thanks for asking! Taneycomo is only a foot above normal. Table Rock is still less than 4 feet from the brink of disaster, but somehow, the Corps has managed to keep it steady.

    3. So far, so good, then! I hope the water level continues to recede and all is well.

  13. I've been experiencing hot, dry, weather which has led to 34 out of control first fires in my province. So when the sky opened up and it rained all night. It made for a hot and humid day but I was grateful that the firefighters had some assistance in their efforts.

    1. Wildfires are scary! I'm glad you had much-needed rain. I hope the firefighters get the fires contained and that everyone is safe.

  14. A lovely list of thankfulness, Kristi... I'm impressed with your firework photography, stunning image! It's been very hot here too (cooler, and raining today) thoughcompared to your temperatures we've had it postively breezy :)

    All the best for the coming week, Kimmie.

    1. Thanks. "Fireworks" setting on the camera worked, I guess. :-)

  15. The temps at our house have been cooler than usual, too! But sadly we haven't gotten any of the rain that you got -- not that you got much! Although last Thursday it actually sprinkled for 10 or 20 seconds! They say 20% chance of rain next Friday. I'm not holding my breath!

    1. Did we get rain this past week? If so, it was the 10-20 seconds like you had, or I somehow missed it. I keep hearing rumors of an El Nino (How do I put a tilde over that?) this fall; I hope it comes true. We sure need the rain!

  16. Fireworks and a clean house - sounds like a great week to me!

    1. I might need to host another BBQ soon. :-)

  17. Talk about shock! triple digits to 70's. That's a huge difference. I'd be grabbing a sweater too! But what good timing for the weather to change :)
    Amazing isn't it? How dogs can wind up halfway under chairs and beds and never do you ever see their heads or bodies acutally slide...under that chair lol. I've no doubt Drexel is an excellent foot warmer.
    Great fireworks picture!
    "At least it's a garden". So jealous am I of everyone with day I'll be boasting of my own. I love fresh, off the vine tomatoes.

  18. I would be grateful for a reprieve from hot and humid here...And I'm with Sarah - your John thankfuls always make me smile. And then they remind me to appreciate my Hub more. Can't be a bad thing. :)


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