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Ten Things of Thankful: The Blogging Edition

I seem to have misplaced my blogging groove.  I'm hopeful, though, that I will find it again soon, like I did my lost diamond.  I know it's around here somewhere! 

Posts yet to be written are piling up in my brain.  Ideas are swirling around, waiting to come to fruition. 

This past week was going to be my settle-into-a-routine, catch-up-on-blogging week, but life doesn't always cooperate.  Like the proverbial camel, one little thing after another has required my attention and slowed my progress.  (And let me make it clear that I'm talking about things, not people!  Time spent with people is time well-spent.) The straw that really slowed the blogging down was the demise of my computer, and the subsequent efforts to revive and ultimately replace the laptop. Then the replacement was reluctant to connect to the internet, and I fought frustration. 

I didn't even make it to all of the TToT posts last weekend before my computer died.  I apologize if I didn't comment on your post. 

Despite my frustration with (my lack of) blogging, I have much to be thankful for, and it's the weekend, which means it's time for the Ten Things of Thankful!

1.  I'm thankful for my new laptop.  Youngest son described my old one as "sad."  This one is lighter, faster, isn't missing keys, and the battery works! 

2.  I'm thankful for youngest son.  He's my go-to tech guy.  He suggested this particular computer, and then walked me through driver installation when I couldn't connect to the internet.  Without his help, I would have been a lot more frustrated than I was. 

3.  I'm thankful for this blog hop.  I love the idea of people from all over the world, with diverse interests and experiences, joining together in gratitude each week. What a positive, uplifting thing! 

4.  I'm thankful for Lizzi, who started the Ten Things of Thankful, and who allowed me to jump in as a co-host.  She has a compassionate soul.

5.  I'm thankful for the other co-hosts, who I mention in conversation so frequently that John knows them on a first-name basis.  You can find links to their blogs in the link-up below.

6.  I'm thankful for other blogging friends--Bianca, KC, and Nancy, to name a few.

7.  I'm thankful for my mom, who recently has been gung-ho about blogging.  I wouldn't be surprised at all if she starts writing code soon.  Go check out her blog, A Season and a Time

8.  I'm thankful for friends who I knew before blogging, or who met me before they knew I blog.  While blogging friendships are real, friendship is improved by in-person visits.  I enjoy getting together with friends.

9.  I'm thankful for guide dog puppies, who provide a subject for some of my blog posts.  Willow is now in phase 6 of formal guide dog training.  Only 7 and 8 still to go before being matched up with a person and graduating!  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she will become a working guide!  (AND. . . in big puppy news, I should be receiving a new guide dog puppy-in-training at the end of October! I'm going to co-raise this next one.  More on that later.) 

10.  You know I'm thankful for John.  He supports my blogging efforts.  He reminds me to take photos, he suggests things I can put on my lists, and he gives asked-for feedback, while all the time supporting my decisions.  He even makes breakfast while I blog.  (It's ready now, so I'm ending this post!) 

What are you thankful for this week?  Have you ever lost your blogging groove?  What helped you get it back?

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Ten Things of Thankful

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  1. Brian knows all my blogger friends, too, through the comments and my conversation. So glad you have a new computer! A new computer can be a wonderful thing.

    1. I'm still working out the kinks--it doesn't seem to recognize my printer--but all in all, it's a good thing!

  2. I just came back from a month long hiatus and it was just the break I needed to get my mojo back! I'm easing back into blogging now and remembering how much I love it. My Hubby also "knows" so many bloggers I'm friends with online. Online friendships and real life friends are true treasures.

    1. A break every now and then is nice, isn't it? I'm hoping to find my mojo, too!

  3. There's nothing like computer problems to throw a monkey wrench into any thought of accomplishing blogging posts. Those problems fill me with panic. Ask Jen. I messaged her this morning. So relieved when things work out. Congrats on your new laptop and it's great to have an IT son. Glad you found the diamond. I enjoy reading your mom's posts.

    1. I hope that Jen was able to help you with your computer problem. My mom has mentioned your blog posts, too, so I think your feeling is mutual. :-)

  4. Yes, I've had the blogging doldrums a couple of times. Now, I prepare posts for a week and schedule them to publish Monday - Friday. I don't stress out trying to think of a post because I am always working ahead.

    Thanks for the links to some blogs that are "new" to me.

    1. Preparing ahead of time is my preferred method, too. I'm hoping to grab a few minutes soon in order to prepare posts to schedule. Thanks for the reminder! :-)

  5. I often get the blogging doldrums - especially since the main theme of my blog is about doing things like home maintenance and repairs. Often I simply don't have a project that I can blog about. Other times I'm just tired and can't quite get into it. I think that is one of the lovely things about the TToT, because even over the past couple of weeks with not much to say, I've still had my thankful posts.

    I used to have a laptop that was missing three keys. Last week must have been the week for laptops to try and self-destruct. I'm happy that you have a new one, but still thankful I was able to resurrect my own.

    1. I'm glad you were able to resurrect your laptop; my first inclination is to repair, but unfortunately, my laptop was dead, dead, dead.

  6. Oh yes, the yin and the yang...the love and the is all about technology ! Glad you have a new laptop and it is working ! Good luck..

    1. I will need that! I'm still trying to introduce my laptop to my printer. :-)

  7. go Willow!
    I've been here in the 'sphere long enough to see that there are cycles to everything, even blog writing... time away is not a bad thing, 'time makes the heart.' etc
    the virtual friendship thing is pretty remarkable

    1. I imagine that yesterday's gathering (?) reunion (?) whatever you called it was a pretty amazing thing. Hope you all had fun!

  8. How lovely, Kristi! Your post was very uplifting. Your John sounds a lot like my husband, Jose.

    1. I always end my TToT lists with my husband. He's my best friend and I'll always be grateful for him. I'm glad you have a great husband, too.

  9. Clearly, you and I have come down with the same affliction. It's a giant bummer to have all these posts in my head and no time to write them.

    How handy to have someone techy in the family. All we know how to do is turn the machine off and cross your fingers. :)

    I have noticed your mom's blogging. She is on a roll!

    Go Willow!

    1. My computer problems started with the black screen of death, then the computer refused to turn off! I tried all the tricks: hold down the button for a long time, hit control-alt-delete. Nothing worked. I googled from my phone how to force a shut down (it involved removing the battery). After I got it to shut down, it wouldn't start up again at all.

  10. I am thankful for being considered a friend of Kristi's! That really touched me as I consider you a friend, too! Even though we've never met!

    1. Someday we'll have to--we're close enough to do so! :-)

  11. Great list, Kristi. And your blogging mojo will come back. Sometimes, your brain just needs a break from it.
    Wish you weren't so far away and could be here to meet Lizzi. You could fly to St. Louis on Sunday and ride with us to Oklahoma....

    1. Oh, I'm sure a road trip with you would be lots of fun!

  12. Hi Kristi!!! I have missed you, my friend!! I love your list, and I'm so glad you have a new COMPUTER!!

    I think I walk away from mine about 28 times a day with some serious rage going on up in here... it crashes ALL the time. I say I'm QUITTING about 27 times a day...

    Someday, I hope to get a new one too.

    Friends in 'real life' are the ultimate bundle package, for sure! I can't wait to actually be HUGGING Lizzi... in just a few short days. (I'm getting sick though, so praying I can heal FAST so I CAN hug her!!)

    1. Oh, how frustrating! I hope your computer behaves soon, and I hope you are well enough to give Lizzi and huge hug (without giving her your bug, too!)

  13. I'm glad you were able to get a new laptop. Do you need a new driver for your printer? Will you get to meet the person Willow will be matched to? Note, I just know she's going to graduate. She's done so well. I hope you have a good week.

    1. Yes, I installed a driver and now the printer works! :-)
      If the person comes to the Guide Dog campus, yes, I will be invited to graduation and can meet him/her. Sometimes clients train in-home, and if that is the case, they will not attend graduation. Hopefully Willow will graduate, and, ideally for me, her person will go to the campus for training. I'd love to attend graduation, and present Willow to her person.

  14. I had my own set of computer troubles last spring of which caused me to lose my blogging outlet, but with the help of family and friends I found it again. That is what made me start to want to take part in this particular blog hop. I wanted to focus on being thankful for the blessings in my life because, otherwise, it's much too easy for me to get stuck focusing on the negatives.
    Love hearing about your guide dog training adventures. I miss my guide dog a lot. Many wonderful memories.

    1. Will you be receiving another guide dog sometime? (Wouldn't it be something if you received a puppy I raised?!)

  15. Thank you so much for considering me your friend, eventhough we never met (but, who knows, someday?!)
    I'm in a huge blogging-lost-groove actually, although I hope this moving house thing will bring it back, now having things to talk about again.
    New laptops are the best!! I have some weird problems with mine, which makes the internet-thing not very pleasant. Weird screens, black screen of death, but it reveives out of itself.... and he's just 2 years old! Well, it will have to do.
    You just enjoy your new blogging groove on your new laptop.
    Do you get to meet the people Willow wil help? I hope she gets her graduation and have a lovely person to help and live with. Looking forward to your new puppy too!
    Say Hi to John for me. xxxx

    1. That west coast trip you dream of will be a great chance for us to meet! I could give you lots of suggestions of places to visit--and if you want to go to Disneyland, I volunteer to play tour guide! :-)

      When Willow makes it through her formal training, she will be matched to a person. Normally, that person would come to the Guide Dog campus to meet her and train with her. If that happens, I would be invited to graduation, and would formally present Willow to the person in the graduation ceremony. Sometimes, a client receives in-home training. If that happens, I would not meet the person. However, the person will receive my contact information (because I gave permission), and will be free to contact me if they want to stay in touch.

  16. I love your list!! Awww..Guide Dog puppies! Is there anything more adorbs? I think not!! My family doesn't understand why I I have a few friends that have started to read it. I am sure that my mom hasn't even looked at it, which is probably for the The comment about your son saying that your old laptop is "sad" made me laugh. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Blessings!


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