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Ten Things of Thankful: Time Stretches Edition

Have you ever had the experience of having tons to do in not a lot of time, and yet, time seems to stretch to accommodate all that is required?  That has been my experience this week.  My thankfuls might read like a to-do list, but I am so thankful that I could accomplish them (with help from above and friends!) 

  • Prepare for the ward Christmas party (to be held on Saturday).
  1. The committee divided up responsibilities, and I didn't have to plan everything.
  2. Ward members signed up to help.
  3. I found hams on sale at one of the first stores I looked. 
  4. People were willing to do more, when occasion arose.
  • Prepare for a Relief Society presidency meeting.
  1. We could finally find a time when all of our schedules meshed. 
  2. Our agenda was long, and our meeting ran longer than usual, but we remembered to discuss everything we needed to. (I think.)
  • Prepare for the Relief Society lesson (to be held on Sunday). 
  1. After a month or so of thought, the lesson structure is finally starting to gel.  
  2. I love the insight that pondering on a topic brings.  (I'm exploring how the phrases "joy to the world" "peace on earth" and "good will to men" all point to the atonement of Jesus Christ.)
  • Accomplish other Relief Society things.
  1. December newsletter is written.
  2. Visiting teaching didn't require many changes this month.
  3. Other things.
  • Try to stave off a cold.
I thought this cold was named Anonymous, but Dyanne  tells me that maybe she did sent it to me via the internet, so it might be named Dyanne.  

  1. Zicam
  2. Orange juice
  3. Naps
  4. It came on early enough to be over and done with soon!
  • Decorate for Christmas.
  1. Family help.
  2. Christmas music to listen to while decorating.
  • Get ready for my sister's arrival!
  1. The house was pretty clean from Thanksgiving, so not much to do, cleaning-wise.
  2. We've got our Disneybounding outfits already picked out!
My thankfuls numbers never got up to 10, but simple addition shows I've gone above and beyond.  :-)  As always, I am thankful for John, who supports me, encourages me, helps me, and loves me.  It's a busy time of year, but it's also a wonderful time of year, and magical--or at least miraculous.  How else to explain being able to do so much in so little time, without feeling too stressed, while not feeling 100%?  

My sister's visit will leave me off-line quite a bit this week, so forgive me if I don't get around to all the blogs.  I hope you are all well--I'll try to let this Anonymous Dyanne? cold die with me--and I hope that you are enjoying the true spirit of the season.  

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Ten Things of Thankful

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  1. good list! lots of things, it seems, at least for me, that when I experience that enough time/tons of things, I only get to appreciate it in retrospect.
    (which takes some of the strategic value from whatever that state of mind/being is)

  2. …hey!! wait!! is that FRIST?!

  3. That is a full week indeed! Isn't it marvelous, though, when lots of people step up and no one person gets stressed or overworked?
    Have a great time with your sister!

  4. Wow, Kristi, your thankful to do list is epic. And although tons of things to do and accomplish, you don't seem overwhelmed or stressed, just super organized. ZiCam works! Hope your cold is gone quickly. Enjoy your sister.

  5. You have been busy! I'm glad that others stepped in to assist when needed.

    Enjoy the time with your sister.

  6. Okay, you inspire me. I need to work on getting more things done. Clean car, cook for potluck, take daughter to volleyball. Oh, I need to add some more . . .

  7. Oh Kristi! Hope you get healthy fast!! There's too much going on in your life right now for you to be getting sick.
    You know it's been awhile since I've had that experience - having time elongate to accomodate my "to do's".
    Enjoy your sister's visit! And for sure thumbs up for OJ and naps and...Christmas music.

  8. Yeah, get that Dyanne over and done with!
    Whew, you sound busy! Glad everything's falling into place.

  9. I love the idea that you name your colds! Then you can get mad at them, call them by name and tell them to go away! Going to try it next time! Glad you're on the mend.

  10. Sorry you needed the Zicam, Orange Juice and naps...glad you got on the road to recovery.

  11. Hope that cold-whatever you want to call it--gets the heck out of there so you and your sister can enjoy every moment!

  12. Have a great time with your sister and Dyanne... well , maybe not your version of Dyanne...

  13. Busy time of year for all. Glad you are going to feel better soon, for the next few weeks, which only promise to become even busier.
    Have a lovely week.

  14. I can't wait to see your Disneybounding outfits! You have inspired me again. Tomorrow is the day to put up some Christmas decorations. Hope everything went as planned this weekend.

  15. I have to laugh about your house being clean from Thanksgiving. I host dinner on Christmas Eve, and that house cleaning always seems to last right through New Years.

  16. Time stretching?!! My clock always seems to go twice as fast when I'm on a big to-do-list, sometimes I believe he even skips a few hours just to mess with me....
    My plan was to have the family over for the holidays, but being still overwhelmed with moving- and painting stress, it seemed to be a better idea to do it at our mom's this year. Next year it's my turn..... I'd better start planning and decorating now, to be done in time.


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