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Ten Things of Thankful: Pet Peeve Rewarded and Other Things

That title needs an explanation, so I'll jump right in:

1.  I'm thankful for a postcard in the mail, informing me that I am part of a class action lawsuit against Verengo Solar.  I am not typically a litigious person, and I don't even have a problem with telemarketers who play by the rules, but one of my pet peeves is companies who do not observe the Do Not Call Registry, and another is telemarketers who argue with my request to "please add me to your do not call list." There for a while, we were receiving multiple calls each day, and some of the callers were downright rude.  The prospect of receiving compensation doesn't delight me as much as the idea of justice being served.  That'll teach them for being rude and ignoring the law!  I know I shouldn't be so excited about this, but it really did put a smile on my face.

2.  I'm thankful for other surprises in the mail.  Clark sent out T-shirts to the participants of the Gravity Challenge this week.  That was unexpected and provided a boost to just keep working toward my goal.

3.  I'm thankful for little things that really aren't necessary, but are nice conveniences, things like kleenex, q-tips, and lens cleaner.

4.  I'm also thankful for something that is necessary, but not always received--a good night's sleep.  I generally sleep very well, which I know not everyone does, and I'm even more appreciative when a good night's sleep follows a more sleepless night.

5.  I'm thankful for the ability to laugh.  When Donna, Deedee's co-raiser, brought Deedee to me this week, Deedee was on a very short leash.  Apparently that puppy gnawed through the leash on the car ride between our houses.  Fortunately, she has another leash, and how can one be upset with a puppy who works so hard?

Photo:  Black lab guide dog puppy-in-training Deedee sits and stays

6.  I'm thankful for my kids.  Though I mention my husband each week, I fail to mention my kids each week--but I am always thankful for each one of them.  

7.  I'm thankful for local church leadership.  Last Sunday, our bishop and his counselors were released, and a new bishopric was called.  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has a lay clergy; these men do not seek the positions they hold, nor are they paid for their service.  They are asked to serve, and bishops usually serve for about 6 years before another bishop is called.  John was a counselor to the previous bishop, and was asked to be a counselor for the new bishop, too.  Though things are busy during this transition time, it is amazing to see how smoothly the church runs.

8.  I'm thankful for clouds.  While cloudless blue skies are beautiful, too, the contrast of the clouds makes the sky even more beautiful, I think.

Photo:  A large cloud above a hilly desert landscape

9.  I'm thankful for challenges.  John and I have signed up to run a half-marathon this fall.  Part of me confidently thinks, "I can do this!" and part of me questions, "Am I crazy?"  Of course, those two aren't mutually exclusive.  Time will tell, I guess.

10.  I'm thankful for John.  We ran another 10K on Saturday--not a race, just a training run.  It was nice to be out together, running, talking, and planning for the future.  He has also been a tremendous help this week with projects that weren't entirely of his making, but that required his participation.  

Photo:  John and I take a break from our run to snap a selfie

So, what are you thankful for this week?  There is still a little time to link up!

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Ten Things of Thankful

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  1. I hate telemarketing calls, and especially when the callers are rude. I didn't call THEM; THEY called ME. I hope at least one company has learned its lesson.
    That Deedee! She looks like she is filled with remorse for chewing her leash.
    You and John are doing so well with your running! Haven't you had plantar fasciitis? All well now?

    1. I seem to be recovered, at least mostly. I tape up for long runs.

  2. Kristi, I hate those telemarketers and I have put our numbers on the Do Not Call List so many times. I do think the solar companies are the worst. Your photo is amazing, I'd like to Pin it. Have a good week.

    1. The solar companies are the most persistent telemarketers! (And we even have solar--but you can rest assured, we did not use a company that employs telemarketers!)
      Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the photo.

  3. My dog likes to chew his leash too, but he is no guide dog and never could be.
    Funny, but my brother and I were just discussing our old guide dogs yesterday. Miss those guys.
    Love clouds too. Thanks for sharing a photo of one.
    Have a good week.

    1. Some dogs just aren't guide dog material, but that doesn't make them any less lovable!
      Do you think you'll ever get another guide dog?

  4. We had dinner over the weekend with some friends, and somehow telemarketers came up. The husband of the couple has a wonderful way of dealing with them. He listens to the pitch, then politely says no, then throws out, "My rural band is always looking for sponsors. May I put you down for the $1,000 gold level?" Funny, he never gets them to do it. :)
    Clouds definitely make the sky more interesting.
    Kleenex! That is absolutely something for which we should be thankful!! Oh, I can't even imagine having to keep up with the laundering of nasty handkerchiefs!

    1. Oh, I might just have to borrow that line! :-)
      Funny, I was just thinking that kleenex is so much softer on the nose than toilet paper--I wasn't even thinking about laundering handkerchiefs, but you are absolutely right!

  5. Telemarketers are a pain in the neck, we use the answering machine to screen the calls. Poor Deedee! she is one un-happy canine (at least in the photo above).

    1. If we had an answering machine (and not just a voicemail box), that would be a good idea. :-)
      Deedee is generally very happy, so don't let that photo fool you!

  6. I think a healthy combo of "I can do this" and "Am I crazy" is perfect. I realize that just a little more every day since leaving my full-time job and venturing out on the self-employed path. You definitely need both.
    Tissues and Q-tips are things you don't appreciate until you don't have any. Having run out of tissues during a bad cold, I can tell you that nothing else is as good a substitute - paper towels, toilet paper...nope. And Q-tips are highly underrated things.
    Aren't the shirts awesome???

    1. New adventures can be scary, but also exciting. I'm sure you're right that a combination of feelings is best.
      The shirts are awesome--I feel like the gravity crew should meet up at the space center or someplace like that! lol

  7. I love my new Gravity Challenge Tshirt too! Way to go on the goal of the half-marathon! Keep us posted on that.

    1. Thank you. The run isn't until fall, so I've got time to prepare--I just need to stay focused on the goal, so the time doesn't sneak up on me!

  8. The Do Not Call Registry doesn't seem to be keeping the telemarketers from driving all of us insane so I am thankful that you are getting compensation. Amara was here the other day and got a call on her cell phone -- she gave it to me. They wanted her to buy solar panels! Her number is on the Registry. Grrrrrrrrrr He didn't seem to care in the least that he was calling an eleven year old!

  9. As for running, thank you. I feel like I woke up one day and thought, "I'm going to be a runner now!" I'm still trying to convince myself that I'm not just pretending. :-)

  10. Ooh, I despise telemarketers, especially the ones who use a recorded sales pitch, the kind where you start to tell them "no, than..." and then realize you're talking to a recording.

    And I'm very impressed with your 10K. The last time I ran was to the car, in the rain.


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