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Ten Things of Thankful: Back Home Edition

After a two-week hiatus from the Ten Things of Thankful, I'm happy to be joining in again.  Don't get me wrong, while I missed participating, I enjoyed my vacation with John--and if it had been longer, I would happily skip this week's TToT, too.  (Did that come out right?)  Anyway, we are back home now, mentally holding on to the peace and calm that was vacation, while being pulled back into the realities of life.  
1.  I'm so thankful that my mom and dad were able to come and stay at our house with youngest daughter while we were gone. They really took one for the team.  While Mom says that she "wouldn't recommend" breaking a bone, she is in good spirits (as always!) and on the road to recovery.

2.  I'm thankful for all the people who helped my family in my absence.  My mom didn't have to lift a hand, which of course was good, given the broken arm and all.  

3.  I'm thankful for the little changes that are noticed after some time away.  The pomegranate is leafing out; it was bare when we left.  The apricot tree is covered in little fruits.  The huge pile of tumbleweeds that had been at the end of the street is now gone. Thanks, city workers!

4.  I'm thankful that the vacation prompted some blog post ideas.  It seems that I have really been slogging (hinky-pinky:  slogging blogging) along lately, and it feels nice to have some new material. I should be set for the rest of the month, but I am trying to figure out whether or not to participate in the A-Z Challenge in April. Anyone have any theme ideas for me?

5.  I'm thankful for the reminder that little small steps, done over time, produce bigger results.  Or at the very least, small little blog posts, written over a number of years, result in a big collection of blog posts.  In just 6 more posts, I'll have hit "publish" 1000 times!  I feel like I should mark the occasion somehow, but I'm at a loss for ideas.  A contest, maybe?  I'm open for suggestions!

6.  I'm thankful for the reminder that some things are simply small things, and not worth getting riled up about.  I was reminded this week of the time that my oldest son cut my youngest son's hair. "Cut" is too tame of a word--he shaved him bald!  Self-inflicted (or sibling-inflicted) haircuts come and grow.  That's all this mom is going to say about that, since it's not my head. 

7.  I'm thankful that Deedee is continuing to progress.  She's still a puppy, of course, but she is learning to be more settled at home, and she is a good worker in public.  She isn't distracted by people--not even the woman who said to her toddler, "Look!  A doggy!  Do you want to pet it?"  I was stunned.  I will just assume that if the child had said yes, she would have explained that the doggy is a working doggy and regardless, we should always ask the owner before trying to pet a dog!  The little boy had no desire to pet Deedee, so I didn't even need to go into my spiel.  I probably should have, but I chose silence this time.  

7-1/2.  Breaking news:  I'm thankful for Willow, who officially will graduate as a guide dog on Saturday, March 19th!

8.  I'm thankful for changing weather.  Of course, for me that means we had something other than sunshine this week.  We had rain and even some snow and hail! I'm composing this to the sound of raindrops on my roof.  Even though it is supposedly an El Niño year, and we have had more rain than in some other years, we are still far below average.  The paper today says we've had 3.79 inches since Oct. 1, and normal is 5.96.  I'm thankful for clouds in the sky!

Photo:  Wet, sloppy snowflakes fall in my backyard

9.  I'm thankful for exercise and healthy food.  It's good to know that the bump up on the scale from--among other things--too much key lime pie is temporary.   

10.  I'm thankful for John--he with whom I can be adventurous by swimming with sting rays and climbing ancient ruins, and he with whom I can tackle the mundane tasks of life.  Whether we're vacationing in the Caribbean or home in California, we enjoy each other's company.  

Photo:  John and I stand on a sandbar and pet a sting ray

Photo:  John on top of ancient ruins in Coba

How was your week?  What are you thankful for?  Any ideas for me on the blogging front?  

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Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts


  1. remind me to do the same! lol (for whatever reason, I decided to write my TToT Post tonight (Friday evening), confident that everyone wrote and published them early!

    1. The beauty of a link that is open for a couple of days is that it doesn't really matter when the post gets written. :-)

  2. (glad I stopped by, hadn't realized that I'd forgotten the link code!)
    which means we can start the 'hop! (yeah, I all about the social fun of the virtual world) lol

    1. Kind of. The code has the starting time later than normal. I don't know how to change it.

  3. What ever you do in life, what trips you take, it's always better with a loving partner by your side. Of all your thankfulls, I love how you always mension John. Strong rock, soft soul. He is just like my Henk, always there. Love your pic with the stingray! Making memories together is the best. xxxx have a great weekend.

    1. The photographer that was there had an amazing underwater camera and captured some really good shots! John and I have made some wonderful memories over the years. You and I are both fortunate to have good husbands. :-)

  4. i love reading your posts... 1000 is a big deal congratulations - a proud moment
    i was thinking maybe a good theme for the A-Z challenge can be you tube lessons (its a thought)

    congrats to Willow and Deedee service dogs are so important and will make someone's life so complete :)

    1. You tube lessons--hmm, I'll have to think about that. Do you mean vlogging a how-to lesson each day, or trying out something that is already out there? Good idea either way; just wondering if I could pull it off in time. Thanks for your idea!

  5. An absolutely fantastic vacation. Swimming with dolphins is on my bucket list. Hinky - Pinky blast from the past. Congrats on 1,000 posts, small steps and a champion of a Mom. (and Hub)

    1. I was wondering if anyone else played hinky-pinky! We considered swimming with the dolphins, but decided against it this time. The dolphin excursions I found all seemed fairly large and I wasn't sure if the experience would be as envisioned. I could definitely be wrong, and I think it would be an AMAZING experience to interact with dolphins--they are such intelligent creatures! We enjoyed our sting ray excursion, though--it was just a small group of people and the guide seemed very attuned to the rays.

  6. 1000 Posts! Definitely cause for a celebration (or a 1000 Post post, which would be 1001, not a bad number either)
    Congratulations to Willow… (pass along a 'good dog!' for me)

  7. Wow, I am such a chicken that I got nervous just looking at that photo of John that close to the edge! I am glad you had a chance to get away together ---and that the kids got time with their grandparents. Age and health never allowed for that with our families. It is an amazing blessing I am sure.

    1. Oh, I was nervous taking the photo! :-)
      I've been advised before by others who had unexpected illnesses, to take advantage of opportunities to travel when they arise. I know we are fortunate to be able to do so.

  8. Wow. What a lot going on, things to be thankful for these past few weeks, which made this a pleasure to read.
    Love the sound of raindrops on the roof too. It makes an enjoyable setting to write.
    Glad you enjoyed your vacation and that all was taken care of back at home while you were gone.
    Yay on the upcoming graduation and congratulations to the graduate.
    Also, congrats to you on the blogging milestone. You definitely need something big to mark the occasion, but I can't think what.
    Love the travel photos. Thanks for sharing them.

    1. Thank you! It has been a busy couple of weeks. :-)

  9. So I left you some blogging A to Z ideas under your comment at my blog. But in reading your ttot list why don't you combine your anniversary and a to z by having a month of reposts based on the A to Z theme.

    1. Hmm, interesting idea. Thanks for the suggestions!

  10. So I left you some blogging A to Z ideas under your comment at my blog. But in reading your ttot list why don't you combine your anniversary and a to z by having a month of reposts based on the A to Z theme.

  11. Your post, as always, is so beautiful, Kristi. You appreciate life and the world around you so deeply and that shines through. A to Z ideas? I have none. My theme is non-participation. :D I just can't get into the idea of every day so I am the designated cheerleader for the rest of you.
    1000 posts is awesome! Woohoo! I completely missed when 500 went by on mine so now I'm kind of sitting around waiting for another cool milestone.
    My favorite thing is the pic of you and John petting the stingray. Your faces remind me of children experiencing something wonderful for the first time. May you never lose that sense of wonder and excitement!

    1. What a kind compliment--thank you!
      I participated in the A to Z last year, but I didn't commit until I had practically written all the posts out ahead of time. I'm hoping to do something like that again. :-)

  12. One thousand posts definitely sounds like reason for celebration! Can't wait to read it.

    haircuts come and grow
    I love that phrase! It's a good thing to remember, even for those cuts that aren't sibling inflicted.

    1. I'm not sure what the 1000th post will say, so I'm curious to read it, too! :0

      It is nice to remember that hair regrows.

  13. Seeing John on top of those ruins makes my stomach hurt. And that stingray is exactly why I don't get in the ocean. Glad your mom is recuperating and spring is coming and I think your A to Z Challenge should involve the use of limes for each letter of the alphabet.

    1. Oh, your idea makes me laugh! Maybe if I LIVED in Key West. . . I think the A to Z of tumbleweeds would be more apropos here! :-)

  14. What you and John have is so wonderful. Rich and I have that, too and so do the kids and I am thankful for that more than anything else.

  15. Oh Kristi! I'm so sorry to hear your Mom broke her arm :(
    Congratulations to Willow! May Deedee follow in her pawprints :)
    Your vacation pictures are great and you guys look like you're so relaxed and totally having fun but gosh, they also look a little scary lol.... Playing with stingrays.....sitting on the edge of the ledge of ancient ruins...Yikes!

    1. Well, I guess if you put it that way, we do sound a bit brave and adventurous. I don't view myself as an adrenaline junkie, though! :-)


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