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Ten Things of Thankful: Easter Edition

Today is Good Friday.  Sunday is Easter.  I attended a funeral this morning.  This talk, "Sunday Will Come," by Joseph B. Wirthlin, was referenced at the service.  What fitting and appropriate words for the occasion!  

Each of us will have our own Fridays—those days when the universe itself seems shattered and the shards of our world lie littered about us in pieces. We all will experience those broken times when it seems we can never be put together again. We will all have our Fridays.
But I testify to you in the name of the One who conquered death—Sunday will come. In the darkness of our sorrow, Sunday will come.
No matter our desperation, no matter our grief, Sunday will come. In this life or the next, Sunday will come.

1.  I'm thankful for that Easter Sunday when death was conquered.

2.  I'm thankful for the beautiful spring weather we're enjoying.

3.  I'm thankful for the chance to visit with friends.

4.  I'm thankful for a new bubbler for my aquarium--but not as thankful as the fish are!

5.  I'm thankful for the chance to spend time with my oldest granddaughter.

6.  I'm thankful for guide dog puppies.  Willow graduated and Deedee is progressing.

Photo: Black lab guide dog puppy-in-training, Deedee, sits on the green grass and looks up at the camera

7.  I'm thankful that my youngest daughter was able to have a Harry Potter party with her friend.  Mandrake cupcakes, anyone?

Photo:  A cupcake resembles a plant growing in a flowerpot

8.  I'm thankful for sleep.  It's been another busy week, and while I'm not dumb enough to predict that things are slowing down, I do at least hope to include a bit more sleep.  I love sleep!

9.  I'm thankful for phone calls and texts from my family. 

10.  I'm thankful for John, who has been Busy, with a capital B. We look forward to date night even more on busy weeks, I think, when we can set aside the crazy schedule and focus on enjoying each other's company. 

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How was your week?  What are you thankful for this Easter weekend?

Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts


  1. "Sunday will come. . ." I love that analogy and will definitely share it with others.

    Have a Blessed Easter

  2. Those are beautiful words. To me The Resurrection has always meant the chance for a new beginning. - Every Day. DeeDee's face is too cute. Happy Easter.

    1. Yes, we certainly don't have to wait for Easter Sunday to feel the effects of the resurrection. Happy Easter to you, too.

  3. What an excellently photogenic doggie!
    ok, I really need to ask (I'm allowed to ask odd question on the basis of my being from Y Chromia)
    Is that a real cupcake or what? I mean, it would be very cool to give kids cupcale-like planters that they could plant instead of eat... but if it's real, then, is that a real plant in the middle and is it edible.
    ...had to ask.

    1. The cupcake is real, and mostly edible. The "planter" is a silicone cupcake form, made to resemble a pot. The plant is not real, nor edible. I don't know how familiar you are with the Harry Potter books, but in one of the books, the students have to transplant Mandrakes. They are required to wear ear protection, because as the Mandrakes are pulled out of the soil, they look like little babies, and they cry out loudly. Their wails can be deadly. For the cupcakes, we found little plastic babies and glued plastic foliage on their heads, then shoved them into already-baked and frosted cupcakes.

    2. OK, my answer is not well-worded. The students wear ear protection, the Mandrakes look like babies, and the mandrakes cry.

  4. Yay for graduation and progress for guide dogs. I miss mine. It was nine years, this Good Friday, that she passed away. She was the best.
    Yay also for date nights. I am putting that on my list this week, for two people I know who got one and well deserved, like it is for you.
    Also, hurrah for aquariums and sleep and I would love one of those cupcakes. A Harry Potter themed birthday party sounds like the best. I didn't get the option, as I didn't discover HP until I was in my 20s, but I think I should still have one anyway. Thanks for the idea.
    Happy Easter to you and your whole family.

    1. You should have a Harry Potter party! There is a local Harry Potter book club that is made up of at least one 60-year-old. :-)

  5. And I hope your Easter is also peaceful and restorative. Healing thoughts and prayers for you!

  6. I love sleep too. I am so bad I have just set up a reminder I have to go to bed earlier.

    1. Whatever works! Hope you can get some rest.

  7. I love the message from the funeral! Sunday WILL come!
    DeeDee is growing so big! And congratulations to you and to Willow; she wouldn't have made it without all the training from you.
    And yay for spending time with family, either in person or via text or call, and double yay for sleep and date nights!

    1. Yes, Sunday WILL come. :-) And sleep, eventually, too.

  8. Such true, wise words. Sunday will always come.

    How awesome are those mandrake cupcakes??? Great idea for a birthday party.

    Bryan has been extra Busy, too. With the kids' schedules added in, there is precious little time for us to have date nights. We're getting through with stolen moments of time alone at home as frequently as possible.

    1. Pinterest to the cupcake rescue!

      It is hard sometimes to find time for date nights. Especially when the kids were young, sometimes we just had to label those stolen moments as "date night." One game of backgammon? Date night! Eating a sandwich on the porch while the kids watched an episode of Arthur? Date night!

  9. That reference really made me stop and think. Hope you and yours had a wonderful Easter.

    1. It was part of a talk that can be found here:
      The entire talk was very good, and the message was one of hope. Sunday WILL come.


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