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Ten Things of Thankful: People, Persistence, and Produce Edition

(I do enjoy alliteration.)  I could have added "pump" and "pet" but I didn't want the title to be too long.  If this were a school assignment, I would ask you to categorize each item on my list, but as it's not, you may just read for fun.  :-)

1.  I'm thankful for my kids, and for watching them grow into adulthood.  I can simultaneously see the adorable toddler and the competent adult, and it just adds a depth to the relationship that is wonderful.

2.  I'm thankful for the fact that both cars in front of me in line at the Costco gas station got done at the same time, so I could just pull to the front pump.  No pulling around and backing in!  I can do it, but I'd rather not.

3.  I'm thankful that I finally have run double-digit miles!  The half-marathon is in less than 2 weeks, and my confidence in my ability to finish is growing every day.  

4.  I'm thankful for how easy it is to research anything nowadays. Friday night, John and I had a great eggplant salad at an Indian restaurant.  Today, we received eggplant in our produce box.  I'm counting on Google to find me a recipe similar to what we ate last night!

5.  I'm thankful for my sweet grandchildren.  Yesterday, we spent a fun evening together at the church ice cream social.  There were sprinkles!  As they scooped up each spoonful of ice cream, they commented, "Look, Grandma!  A [fill in the color] sprinkle!"  It took forever to finish, but we sure had fun.

6.  I'm thankful for Drexel.  Apparently National Dog Day was this past week.  Drexel is a wonderfully patient, lovable dog, and I'm glad he's ours.

7.  I'm thankful for the women I work closely with in my church calling.  We have so much fun at our meetings, and this past week we had quite a laugh over a group text that auto corrected really poorly.

8. I'm thankful for talented hair dressers.  I got a trim yesterday--not really any length off, just a touch-up, but youngest daughter went blonde and got a new style.  I would never have been able to give her the look she wanted, and am amazed at how easily the woman at the salon was able to accomplish the feat. 

9.  I'm thankful for garden produce.  Though I didn't plant much this spring (and I should be thinking ahead to a fall garden), we have enjoyed grapes, tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, and peppers from our garden.  I still need to harvest almonds, and the pomegranates will be ready later. 

10.  I'm thankful for John.  Most days, we get our running in separately--he'll run outside either early or late in the day, and I'll run on the treadmill inside in a climate-controlled environment--but we did run together on Tuesday night this week.  It was a great chance to talk, and we got in a 9-mile run to boot!  It's so nice to be able to work together toward common goals.

What are you thankful for this week?  We seem to be having a bit of trouble with the linkie code right now, but I will try to add it in later.  In the meantime, feel free to list your items in a comment!

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  1. I'm thankful for a thankful friend. I need to be more thankful. I'm usually half- empty instead of half-full. Love reading your blog. It's an inspiration. Love you!

    1. Thank you. I must say, though, I don't find you lacking in gratitude.

  2. Wonderful thankfuls all!
    I never knew we had a National Dog Day until this week. Hope Drexel got some extra treats :D
    I'm always jealous of everyone who has a garden lol. One day I'll have a garden. I am totally committed to be in a position to grow many vegetables! I'm curious - how do you grow almonds? How big do the trees get? How long before harvest?
    Congratulations on the double digits! Huge accomplishment.
    I'm sure you do, but cherish those ice cream moments. They grow so quickly! My 2 great nephews and I try to spend regular time together each month, doing special things just the 3 of us. Already I can't believe how they've grown in the last 3 years. I know before too long it won't be all that cool to be hanging with Aunt Denise :)

  3. YouTube instructional videos are my BIG thankful for the week. With them, I can get a jump start on a new project, using a program that is unfamiliar.

    Kudos on the double digits!

  4. Double digits, Drexel, and daughters of grand design!!!! Ah alliteration!!! Love it!!!

  5. Glad you had such a good week and so much to be thankful for - although I missed seeing a picture of Drexel!!! Hope this week is even better.


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