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Ten Things of Thankful: Home Edition

This has been a take-care-of-things-at-home week, and I'm thankful.  It feels good to tackle the mundane, yet necessary, tasks of home.  

Photo:  Light shines through a window into a dark room, with the caption: "Make your apartment, your dorm, your home, or your room a holy place where you can safely retreat from the dark distractions of the world." Russell M. Nelson

I've done loads and loads of laundry.  (1) I'm thankful for clothes, sheets, and towels.  

I've paid bills. (2) I'm thankful for sufficient money to meet our needs.

I've de-cluttered. (3) I'm thankful that still-useful items can be shared with others.

I've done some aquarium maintenance. (4) I'm thankful for beautiful fish that provide a calming influence.

I've dusted, vacuumed, and cleaned. (5) I'm thankful for the joy that comes with a clean house.

I've tackled paperwork. (6) I'm thankful for the satisfaction that comes when tasks are completed.

I've received my ballot, and will soon vote. (7) I'm thankful to live in a free country. 

I've washed dishes.  (8) I'm thankful to have plenty of good, healthy food to eat. 

I've spent time reviewing commands with Drexel.  (9) I'm thankful for a smart dog, who views training time as play time. 

I've planned (and even written some) upcoming blogging posts. Check out yesterday's post about #ThankfulActs. (9-1/2)  I'm thankful for blogging, and the friends I have made through this virtual community.

I've spent time with John.  (10) I'm thankful that John works from home, so I can spend so much time with my best friend.  This video is funny, but is definitely not my experience!

How has your week gone?  What are you thankful for this week? Comment below, and consider joining us in the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop!

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Ten Things of Thankful

 Your hosts

Join the Ten Things of Thankful community and work with us to nurture an attitude of gratitude. We use the whole weekend to focus on the Good Things in life. Make a list of Ten of those wonderful Things, then share the Wonderfulness with others.

We're all in this together, so let's find the GOOD, and make it visible.

Please take time to have a look at some of the other posts and leave the bloggers some comment love - let's get the appreciation going. The comments are where the magic happens, so start a conversation with someone.

Add your 'Ten Things of Thankful' link here and don't forget to display our banner on your post - it's only polite, yo!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. A wonderful post, Krisi. It feels so good to clean and purge and appreciate all around you. I love the idea of your Thankful Acts community.

    1. Thanks! I'm trying to move my thankful thoughts into thankful actions.

  2. Nothing feels better than being caught up and organized at home. When we get behind it's so easy to feel overwhelmed. It sounds like you were powering through this week and can now enjoy the "ahhhh" of getting all that accomplished! All of your blessings are such good things this week!

    1. You are right--having home under control gives a feeling of peace and serenity.

  3. Hey! I'll be right over... well, a little later this evening. Thanks for getting the linkation up and all...

  4. I love decluttering too. Something great about getting rid of unwanted and unneeded items. I would like to think I'm decluttering unwanted fat from my body too- but it surely likes to hang on :)

    1. Oh, I can relate all too well with your comment! (We just returned from a cruise, so I know it will take some time and effort to get back to pre-cruise weight!)

  5. Taking care of things at home is mundane, but can make you feel awesome after they are done! Have a great week ahead, Kristi!

  6. hey excellent Post. (It's no secret that I totally enjoy and admire posts that make sense, not that we don't always make sense here at the Doctrine).
    Gettin the urge for starting some new routines to try and organize my time better.

    1. Routines are a great way to manage time--though "life" tends to interrupt routines fairly regularly, too. I'm pretty good with some routines, but others I struggle to keep going.

  7. I felt your energy getting so many things done, and absolutely know how good it feels to accomplish so much.

  8. I had seen that video and it gave me a chuckle. Will be glad when the elections are behind us. This week I am extra thankful for my baby sister who helped get flowers (in Michigan) for 95 year old Aunt Phyllis who I am VERY thankful to still have in my life.

    1. I'm pouring over my ballot right now, and I have to agree with you. I'll be glad when election day has passed!


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