Two weeks ago, I thought, "Great! I'm back to blogging!" I even managed to write two posts: a Ten Things of Thankful entry , and an article about the regional differences I've noticed at Costco . Between then and now, I've had a whirlwind of observations and experiences that I've wanted to share, but haven't gotten around to writing about until today. So, this will be a Ten Things of Thankful post that includes items from the past couple of weeks. Though I normally write my TToT posts in enumerated list form, today I will dispense with the numbers, as I have much for which to be thankful! Our oldest son is starting medical school, and he invited us to attend his white coat ceremony. We are so happy that he is able to pursue his goal of being a doctor. We had a great weekend with our son, daughter-in-law, and her parents. After the ceremony, we all went out for lunch, walked around the California State Capitol building, and enjoyed the most delicio...
Living life with a thankful heart