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Ten Things of Thankful: Closing Escrow Edition

We moved to Utah over the summer, knowing the move was the right thing to do for our family, though we didn't have all of the details hammered out ahead of time. We signed a year-long lease on a rental house. We trimmed, packed, stored, and moved our belongings, many of which are now in a storage unit here in Utah. We knew that this year would be a year of transition, as we sold homes in California and looked to purchase a home here in Utah. 

1. I'm thankful for the peace of mind that comes when we follow promptings, especially because action often requires a leap of faith.

We didn't expect to find our new home as quickly as we did. We planned on having our California houses sold before we made an offer on a Utah house, but instead we found ourselves involved in three simultaneous escrows. I could easily get caught up in the stress of it all, but if I truly thought about it, the stress was superficial and the peace was enduring. Everything came together, and in case the post title wasn't clear, let me reiterate. . . ALL OF THE ESCROWS ARE CLOSED!!!!

Photo: Yellow leaves from a pear tree on the left, and an apricot tree on the right, frame the photo of a two-story house with a wrap-around porch.
2. I'm thankful for this house that just feels like home already.

3. I'm thankful for little details that, while certainly not needs, are lovely extras that make me smile--things like a porch, fruit trees, and white-barked quaking aspen. 

Probably the thing we love most about the house is its location and view. It dawned on me the other day that people sleep in tents on hard, cold ground to experience nature, and I will be able to soak in views and still sleep in a comfortable bed at night!

Photo: The view from the corner of my new backyard shows an expansive view of the valley, from sage brush leading to the green grass of my neighbor's backyard, then (in the distance) Utah Lake and Lake Mountain.
4. I'm thankful for the ability to enjoy the beauty of nature without having to sacrifice modern conveniences. 

Though we are still in transition, and will be until our lease is fulfilled and we have settled into our home, we now have a more-detailed plan. We can make changes to the house while living in the rental. We can move our things to their permanent location over time. And even though we will be moving to another city and will have another church ward next summer, we can enjoy getting to know the lovely people here. (The best and worst part about moving anywhere is meeting then leaving friends!)

5. I'm thankful for how welcoming the people in our church ward are. Many of us are in the same boat--here only temporarily. (There are a lot of BYU students in our ward.) Despite the transient nature of the ward, everyone is warmly welcomed, whether they are just visiting for the day or permanently settling in. I even learned today that someone has been "blog-stalking" me--Hi, Julie! 

6. I'm thankful for how welcoming the people in our new neighborhood (and thus new church ward) are, too. John and I went up to the house on Saturday morning to rake leaves. One of our neighbors popped by to introduce himself and offered to take our bagged leaves to the green waste facility. We gladly accepted that help!

Perhaps because we recognize the fleeting time we have here in Provo, we are trying to explore the town as much as possible. Saturday morning before we started raking leaves, we stopped by a local restaurant: Hruska's Kolaches. It's easy to overlook in the afternoons, but impossible to miss in the mornings, because the line goes out the door and down the street. Fortunately, you don't have to be able to pronounce it to enjoy the warm, delicious rolls, stuffed either with savory breakfast foods, or with sweet cheese and fruit preserves. 

Photo: A large yellow pear sign is to the left of white letters that spell out "Hruska's KOLACHES". Both the pear and the letters are on a rusty-colored corrugated metal roof.
7. I'm thankful to discover new places and foods to try. 

Not all of my discoveries are food-related. This past week, I also discovered Treasures Antique Mall. That is a dangerous, fun, frightening place. Dangerous because I could easily spend (too much) money there. Fun because . . . do I really have to explain the fun of an antique store? Frightening because I saw items there were identical to wedding gifts I received, and I refuse to believe I'm antique!

Anyway, while I was there, I found something I didn't realize I was looking for, but when I found it, I knew it was perfect for the new house! The photo isn't the best--it was hastily-taken on my phone to show John what I had found--but I hope you can get the idea. 

Photo: A  faded teal, metal welcome sign. Three quail stand on top of a slight arc, and the word "WELCOME" hangs below the arc.
8. I'm thankful for unique items that add personality and our own touch to the house. Sometimes, I even find things at non-antique stores!

Photo: A red door mat, with the words, "be Thankful" 
I am thankful! It was a look-back-over-my-life sort of week, as I celebrated another birthday. 

9. I am so thankful for family and friends throughout my life. As I read birthday wishes on Facebook, I thought about how I knew each person. Little memories from childhood came back to me: climbing Kurt's tree when I was about 3 years old, as our moms visited; listening to Paula give the synopsis of any Bible story; hours spent on the bus, playground, or classroom with classmates in elementary school; Sharma and I working together as teens at church girl's camp. Some friends I haven't known as long, yet their impact on me is still significant. They have been there when I've needed a listening ear concerning the challenges of motherhood, and they have shared with me their struggles, too. Yet other friends I have not met in person, but somehow through the internet and blogging we have become acquainted. And, of course, there is family--from parents and siblings, to in-laws and cousins, to very distant cousins that fall into the "only met through the internet" category. Every single person has made an impact on me in one way or another--and most certainly, in a more significant way than they would give themselves credit for. So, if anyone is still reading--thank you! Not just for reading, but for being a part of my life. 

As you know, if you have been a regular reader, my tenth item is reserved for my sweet husband.

10. I'm thankful for John. How I managed to meet such a wonderful best friend, who is so perfect for me, and somehow feels the same way about me, is really a miracle. (Last week's TToT post had some of you singing "Doe, a Deer," from Sound of Music. This week, of course, you might have "Wonder of Wonders" from Fiddler on the Roof. Hope you enjoy those musicals as much as I do!)

What are you thankful for this week? No matter whether you are feeling settled or in flux, there is gratitude to be had! Comment below, and if you have a blog, write a post and link up at the Ten Things of Thankful blog!

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  1. What a year you have had! Wonderful and amazing! Love the photo of your new home!

  2. A lovely list, and congratulations on getting through the stress of three closings/escrows at once!

    1. Thank you! It is nice to have that part over.

  3. That is a wonderful list of thankfuls. Your house is beautiful.

  4. Ooh, the door mat is PERFECT for you and your new home!

    1. Thank you! I was certainly excited to find it!

  5. What a great way to start your new year. I love new beginnings and I hope you do too. Half a year to get to now your new place, make changes and make it your own is not a bad way to move, although I guess as time goes by, I think you will be glad to finally really move in.
    I adore the view you have there! What a place to call your own!! May you and John have many happy, healthy and loving years on your new spot.

    1. I already will be glad when we've finally moved in, but I'm trying to remain optimistic and not go crazy with all the decisions! :-)

  6. Hi Kristi! "Unknown" above is me. :)

    1. Hi formerly-"unknown" Julie! Glad you popped by. Feel free to link up your own post sometime, if you'd like!

  7. Door mats and welcome signs.


    That photo of your new house sounds lovely. I love large porches. Reminders of my childhood at family farm houses.

    Love too that you have nature at your fingertips and then the luxury of a comfortable bed to sleep in, all in one where you are.

    Also love that your final thankful is always reserved for someone special.

    1. I love porches, too, and am excited to decorate with plants in the spring.

  8. so what town will you eventually live in once you move in. the home looks awesome and the view is spectacular

  9. very cool.
    what an excellent location and view.
    a wrap-around porch!
    sunsets will surely be spectacular.
    glad to be a part of your virtual extended family


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