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Ten Things of Thankful: Grand Week Edition

Photo: The view of the Grand Canyon from the North Rim

The past week and a half has been a blur, as my parents came to town and we visited four national parks in four days. I'll publish a post next week detailing our adventures, but for now, let's just say we all had a grand time!

I'm so thankful this week:

1. That my parents could come to visit.
2. That we could enjoy the beauty of nature.
3. That we could laugh (a lot!)
4. That my parents extended their trip on both ends, so we could visit with other relatives and enjoy other sites (like Moon's Rare Books) as well.

Sometimes, after a vacation, it is hard to get back into a routine again. I'm thankful to be easing into things:

5. John and I were able to attend a meet-up for bloggers here in Utah. We were served dinner, learned about the #LightTheWorld Christmas campaign for 2018, listened to the Debra Bonner Unity Gospel Choir, and watched a showing of the movie Jane and Emma. While we were there, we also just happened to run into someone who used to live in our area in California. Small world!

6. When we returned to our house that evening, a plate of cookies was sitting on our front porch. This neighborhood is certainly welcoming!

7. Thursday night, Gerald Lund spoke at the ward Relief Society meeting. He is an author of many books, and has been a presenter at Education Week at BYU. He talked about reasons we might not be receiving answers to prayers. Afterwards, refreshments were served and I had a chance to meet some more of the women in the ward.

8. John's brother is in town again, and we will have a chance to get together with him and a brother-in-law as we root for the Cougars. Go, BYU!

9. This weekend is General Conference. April's conference brought about many changes, and everyone is excited to see what this conference brings. 

10. As always, I'm thankful for John. Whether we're at the Grand Canyon on a sunny day, or inside our house during a thunder and lightening storm, we enjoy spending time together. 

How has your week gone? What are you thankful for? 


  1. Oh, you lucky, lucky gal. Those wonderful experiences, #5 & #7, are what I miss most living out here in the Midwest instead of there in Utah. We feel blessed when the Stake President makes a rare visit; an LDS author, former GA is unheard of! Thanks for sharing. Enjoy conference, I hear it's going to fabulous!!

    1. Every place we have lived has had its own wonderful experiences, and we have learned over the years to try to take advantage of the opportunities around us.

      Did you enjoy conference? I'm looking forward to the new meeting schedule in January! :-)

  2. What a precious time with family, and it sounds like you moved into an almost perfect neighborhood.

  3. Surely the busy, event/interaction-filled weeks must be the most fun to write TToT post on. Having your parents visit is a little extra 'fun' for the rest of us. ("Thats 'A Season and a Time' right? ... lol the people, whose lives we become connected to are very much a part of the virtual community).
    Speaking of over-lapping realities... looking forward to your photos from the Grand Canyon. I missed it on my own 'tour of Arizona. The tour starting from Salt Lake City the last timer I was there. (I did get to the Petrified Forest and Meteor Crater.
    See you in a fortnight*

    *sorta, since its more than a week I wanted to use something more fun that '10 days'

    1. Yes, my mom is 'A Season and a Time.' It is fun to make the virtual connections.

      I plan on getting a "4 Days, 4 National Parks" post up next week. We only saw the Grand Canyon from the north rim, which is the less-popular viewing side (but my preferred side, as it is less hot and less crowded.) It is easier to access from Utah than the south rim, so if you are in Utah again sometime, you might be able to go.

  4. Wonderful 10 Kristi. I'm so glad your parents were able to visit. 4 parks in 4 days...road warriors all! lol
    From what you've shared so far, your neighborhood sounds quite friendly. Cookies are surely a no fail, welcome to the neighborhood, gift:)

    1. We don't usually blast through sites like that, but this time, that is what worked best for us. I'll post more about our adventures next week.

  5. Spending quality time with your family and living in a wonderful neighborhood-sounds like an awesome week. I hope this week will be good as well!


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