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Ten Things of Thankful: Diving Right In Edition

Photo: A small ceramic Mickey Mouse rides on a robotic vacuum
To make the post title true:

1. I'm thankful for the Utah DMV. Seriously. The five minutes (at most) I waited for a walk-in appointment during the noon hour was so refreshingly short. (I don't even think it's possible to book appointments online; that's how reasonable the wait always is.) In contrast, in Los Angeles county, the lines outside the DMV prior to opening look like people waiting for stores to open on Black Friday!

2. I'm thankful for cute little reminders. I looked down at my robotic vacuum one day and saw a little Mickey Mouse (who is a decoration for a plant pot) taking a ride. Sometimes we end up in a place we never imagined we would be, but we just need to hang on for the ride. 

3. I'm thankful that the fencing project is coming along. The installer apologized that it isn't finished yet, but the weather really has been a limiting factor. I told him it's OK; we're patient. 

Photo: A black chain link fence cuts across the hillside. A patch of snow remains in the foreground.
4. I'm thankful for the ability to laugh at myself. The other day I was in a large store and was surprised to hear popcorn popping. I love popcorn, and thought I knew all the stores that serve popcorn. Then I realized what was really happening, and I had to laugh at myself: I've been out of the Pacific Northwest so long that I thought the sound of rain falling on the roof was popcorn popping! 

5. I'm thankful for the chance to get together frequently with youngest daughter. John and I went out to dinner and to see the Star Wars movie this week. I'm not what you would call a super fan, but I must admit that when the opening scene--with its scrolling words-- and the music started, I was instantly transported back to 1977. I remember how cool those scrolling words were--what a great special effect!

6. I'm thankful for humidifiers. I read an article recently that suggested that keeping indoor humidity between 40-60% helps keep germs from spreading. I'm not sure if that is true, but I purchased a humidifier and put it in our bedroom. Since starting to use it, John has caught a cold but I haven't. I'm not sure if that's a win or loss for the humidifier, but in any case, my skin isn't as dry as it usually is, so there's that.

7. I'm thankful for Dyanne, who introduced me (via social media) to her friend, who is a schoolteacher. For the past two years, Drexel and I have had an opportunity to Skype with the students about my experience being a volunteer puppy-raiser for Guide Dogs for the Blind. The children are attentive and ask good questions, and Drexel gets lots of oohs and aahs from them, especially when he demonstrates his obedience to commands like, "Go to bed."

8. I'm thankful for the chance to share with such an appreciative audience. 

9. I'm thankful that RootsTech is coming up. I will post more about RootsTech in the future, but I will just say that Leigh Anne Tuohy is going to be one of the keynote speakers! She is the woman who Sandra Bullock portrayed in the movie, The Blind Side. I'm so excited to hear her tell her story.

10. I'm thankful for John. Cold or no cold, he is busy doing good things, and I appreciate his hard work. 

What about you? What are you thankful for this week?

Joining me this week:
The Prolific Pulse
MessyMimi's Meanderings
Time for Reflections
A Season and a Time
The Wakefield Doctrine
Carin's Gratitude

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  1. Lots of great thankfuls! That's so cool about raising those doggies! Oh! I loved the Blind Side movie! YAY for Roots Tech!

    1. I'm definitely looking forward to attending Roots Tech!

  2. Like the fence-to-be, looks (in your photo) to be pretty un-obstructive of the view. We have a fence in our yard that is part rail fence and part (mostly) green-vinyl wrapped wire mesh. Keeps the un-invited guests down (well, mostly it makes them get exercise jumping over or squeezing under) but keeps Una's back yard more enjoyable for her.
    We have a humidifier. It's a necessity. Even though we have baseboard heat, without it, mornings feel like those scenes in monster movies where the statue comes to life.
    have a good week.

    1. We chose chain link for that very reason--we didn't want to block the view. We suspect it won't do much to keep the deer out. There are deer tracks in the snow today. I haven't followed them to see if they went through the non-existent (yet) gate, or if they hopped over, but I suspect they just hopped over.

  3. #1 yes! DMV is improving or is it just the California DMVs that are so bad? I used to live in Cali (San Diego and San Francisco) years ago and both DMVs were so slow. I practically had to plan doing DMV stuff on my day off.

    1. My friends in the LA area still dread going to the DMV, so I suspect the DMV workers in CA are still super overworked.

  4. I think your robot vacuum needs a few other riders. It could become a new hobby: collecting small riders for your vacuum.😂
    We have had a lot of that popcorn popping sound going on here this week, and it wasn't really popcorn popping.
    That is interesting about the humidifier helping improve the dry skin situation. It makes sense though.
    Your #5 brought back a great memory, although probably not enough of a one that I have a desire to see the new movie. Just not my genre.

    1. The humidity levels where you live probably don't justify having a humidifier running. My hands always look so much better when I come visit you!


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