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Ten Things of Thankful: It's Not 2020, But Covid's Still Around


Stock photo from Shutterfly of an exploding firework on a dark background, with the added text that says, "Happy New Year! May you find much to be thankful for this year!"

Happy New Year! I've been gone from the blog for a couple of weeks, and I enjoyed spending time over the Christmas holiday with several of my children and my grandchildren. Thankful #1

Unfortunately, I rang in the New Year with Covid as a companion, and John (not wanting me to use up all the Kleenex?) soon joined my hacking chorus. However, even in sickness there are things to be thankful for, so here are some of mine:

Thankful #2: Even though my first reaction to contracting covid--again!--is anger (I am vaccinated and have all my boosters), instead of thinking, "Why me?", I really should be thinking, "Why not me?" I'm thankful my underlying health is good and other than the inconvenience of being sick and isolating, there isn't too much impact to me having Covid. I have friends and family members dealing with much bigger challenges. 

Thankful #3: Puffs Facial Tissue with Lotion. 

Thankful #4: Grocery store pickup. 

Thankful #5: Elderberry syrup.

Thankful #6: Kern's Guava Nectar.

Thankful #7: Gardein Chick'n Noodl' Soup

Thankful #8: Oranges

Thankful #9: Caffeine-free Cold Season Herb Tea (and honey)

Thankful #10: John. Though I really wish he didn't get sick, too, we are sharing the coveted facial tissue and spending our days reading, napping, and watching TV. I suspect that by next week Covid will be in our rear-view mirror and we won't have the luxury of staying in our pjs all day!

How has 2024 treated you so far? What are you thankful for? Be sure to read the other posts at The Ten Things of Thankful blog! 


  1. I'm thankful you're getting better, and pray you and your family have a blessed and beautiful 2024!

  2. I am thankful you are on the end side of the yucks.

    1. I am, too! Looking forward to being 100% better soon!

  3. Yow! Always good to hear about hypograts in the (semi)-past tense. I liked #4 grat. When all this started P took advantage of the pickup thing and I was designated the drive-and-unload person each week. Lets me totally feel like I'm helping with traditional household chores.
    Have a recovering-strength week!

  4. I felt lousy but not horrible when I had Covid, but I wondered how much worse I might have felt if I hadn't been vaccinated and boostered! Glad you and John are on the mend. The couple that gets sick together . . . .

    1. Yes, I'm vaccinated and boostered, but still have an uncanny knack of picking up Covid. This wasn't my first rodeo with it, but definitely not my easiest bout of it, either. At least we're both testing negative now.


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