Artwork depicting Mary meeting the resurrected Jesus outside the tomb When a child learns that she is going to be a big sister, she might be able to verbalize that a baby is coming, but she can't really grasp prior to the birth how much that event will change her life. Similarly, while Christians all over the world celebrate Easter Sunday in commemoration of Jesus Christ's victory over the grave, I suspect that while we can verbalize facts, we will "stand all amazed" in wonder and gratitude when we personally experience what is to come after our own death. Prior to His crucifixion, Jesus entered the Garden of Gethsemane and in ways I don't know if I'll ever understand, took upon Himself all the sins of the world. In addition, He also took upon Himself all the heartaches, pains, sicknesses, inequalities, etc.--everything that is wrong in this world. He felt it all, and it caused Him to bleed from every pore. By suffering for our sins, He met the demands of ...
Living life with a thankful heart