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Showing posts from 2025

Ten Things of Thankful: Joining the Party Again

  A group of king penguins congregate on the shore, while one stands alone in the water Hello! I have missed blogging the past few months, and am happy to be joining the party again today. Of course, I've had more than ten things I've been thankful for since I last joined the Ten Things of Thankful blog hop, but if I tried to list them all in detail, this post would become too long to read in one sitting. I'll do my best to catch up, but I realize that I will probably forget something--and I'll try to avoid letting so much time pass between posts in the future. I'm coming to understand that regularly taking the time to write down things that I am thankful for helps me slow down and stay grounded, which is particularly helpful when life gets busy.  And life has been busy! The last time I posted, one of our cars had just died and we were still living in California, but preparing for John's retirement and our move back to California. Here has what has happened sinc...