A collage of three photos: On the left, John and I in front of La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, Spain. In the middle, John and I in front of Rick's Cafe in Casablanca, Morocco. On the right, John and I in a kayak in Biscayne National Park in Florida (and our ranger guide in a kayak behind us). One of John's goals since retiring is to front load travel. We have learned that life has a way of surprising us, so we are taking advantage of this time while we are healthy (and aren't needed as caregivers) to see the world. I'm a planner by nature, but I'm trying to embrace spontaneity more, which is how John and I ended up taking a transatlantic cruise in February, flying back from Spain to Florida via Morocco, and arriving in Africa without any hotel reservations. Was this a bit out of my comfort zone? Yep. Did our adventures all work out? Absolutely! It still boggles my mind that last Saturday I spent the morning in Europe, last Sunday I was in Africa, and Monday I was ...
Living life with a thankful heart